FilterSet Settings

Filterset settings list view.

Using filter sets lets you specify access privileges to various entities in OpenAir such as customers, projects, and employees. You assign filter sets to employees. Based on how filter sets are created, an employee's view and access to the various entity values can be narrow or expanded to a wider and possibly an all-value level. Employees may have more than one filter set assigned to them, but only one may be used at any particular time. Essentially, a filter set is what an employee can see and a role is what an employee can do within OpenAir. See Filter Sets Overview and Change Filter set.

To access the Filter Set settings:

  1. Go to Administration > Global Settings > Account > FilterSet settings.

The options listed below control the use of filter sets at a company-wide level. See Filter Sets Overview.


If a Booking type filter set has been created, this option restricts which projects and customers are available to the employee.