Unlock a Project in OpenAir

A locked project can be unlocked in OpenAir with functionality provided by an internal switch. When the switch is enabled, a link displays in hints for the Properties form (new UI) or the Edit project form. Or, when a project in OpenAir is linked to a Microsoft Project file, you can re-run Projects Connector.

To unlock a project in OpenAir:

  1. Creating a Support Case and request that the following switch be enabled: Enable unlocking of projects (locked by OpenAir Projects Connector).

    Once enabled, when you edit the project, tips in the project Properties form displays the following message for users with required role privileges.

    Locked project message on the Project properties form in OpenAir.

    For non-administrator roles, the following role setting also must be enabled: Unlock projects (locked by OpenAir Projects Connector).

  2. To unlock a project, select the Click here link.

    The project is unlocked in OpenAir.


    Re-run Projects Connector when a project in OpenAir is linked to a Microsoft Project file. Select the check box to Import to existing project in OpenAir. Do not select the check box to Lock OpenAir project. The project is unlocked in OpenAir.


Once the project is unlocked, pull it from OpenAir using the Pull a Project from OpenAir in to Microsoft Project procedure. However, to be able to push the updated Microsoft Project file back to the same project in OpenAir, select the option to lock the project in OpenAir.