Reviewing and Adjusting Gross Margin Percentages

The Gross Margin form displays the gross profit margin percentages of Items. For each Item, the form displays the Actual percentage margin for the previous and current year, along with the forecasted percentage margin for open periods. You can use the form to set the gross margin percentages for open Forecast periods. You can enter Forecast margin percentages manually or have the percentages calculated based on the year-to-date (YTD) Actuals or Prior Year Actuals trends.

The margin percentages you enter on this form are used to calculate the Cost of Goods Sold for Inventory Items.

To review or adjust the gross margin Forecast values by Item:

  1. From the Home page, click the Revenue and Gross Margin card.

  2. Click the 2 tab on the left-hand side.

  3. Click Trend Based Item Gross Margin.

  4. In the Point of View, select a Version, Subsidiary, and Currency.

  5. To apply the changes, click the Go icon Screenshot of the Go icon.

  6. Click the arrow in the cell that intersects the relevant Item row and the Trend Gross Margin column.

    Select the trend to use. Alternatively, select Manual to manually enter Forecast values.


    You can only enter Forecast values where the trend is set to Manual or is blank. If you select a trend based on historical data, the Forecast values automatically populate based on that selected trend.

  7. For Items set to a trend, in the Adj (%) column, enter the percentage increase or decrease as a decimal value. For example, enter 0.01 for a 1% increase or -0.01 for a 1% decrease.

  8. For Items set to Manual, in the open Forecast periods, enter the margin percentages.

  9. Click Save.

  10. To populate top-level members with the adjusted data in input currency, right-click the data grid, and select Aggregate to Income Statement.

  11. (Optional) To have your changes reflected in the relevant financial statements in the input and reporting currencies:

    1. Go to the Home page, and then click the Rules card.

    2. Beside the ruleset NFS_All Accts Forecast Data Refresh, click the Launch arrow.

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