Field Mapping Kit Component Items

Say you update a kit component item’s field map value on the revenue element, and then update the revenue arrangement. In this scenario, the value on the revenue element retains its edited value and does not revert to the field mapped value. The following example shows this use case:

To update a kit component item's field map and revenue arrangement:

  1. Create a custom field by going to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Transaction Line Fields > New. For more information about creating a custom field, see Creating a Custom Field. Complete fields on the Transaction Line Field page as needed. Make sure you do the following:

    1. Set Type to Date.

    2. In the Applies To subtab, check Sale Item.

    3. Complete other fields as needed.

    4. Click Save.

  2. Create a revenue recognition field map record by going to Setup > Accounting > Revenue Field Mapping > New:

    1. Set the Source Record Type to Transaction Line.

    2. Set the Transaction Type to Sales Order.

    3. Set the Source Field to the custom field you created in step 1.

    4. Set the Target Field to End Date.

    5. Check the Automatically Update Target Field Value box.

    6. Complete other fields as needed.

    7. Click Save.

  3. Create a sales order with a kit item and a non-inventory item.

    1. Make sure you set the custom field you created in step 1 to 8/15/2020 on both items.

  4. Update revenue arrangements.

    1. On the revenue arrangement, notice that 8/15/2020 was mapped to the End Date column on all three revenue elements, including the kit component element.

  5. Click Edit on the revenue arrangement and change the kit component element’s End Date value to 10/15/2022.

  6. Edit the amount on the sales order for one of the items to initiate a revenue arrangement update.

  7. Update revenue arrangements.

On the updated revenue arrangement, notice that the kit component element's End Date value remains 10/15/2022. The target field does not revert to the source field's mapped value of 8/15/2020 after updating the corresponding revenue arrangement.

You can manually update the target field on the revenue arrangement to reflect the source field's mapped value.

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