Setting Up the Return File Processing Log (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

NetSuite enables you to view the processing log of CNAB return files on the processamento arquivo retorno record. To display the log, set up the processamento arquivo retorno record type.

For more information about processing CNAB return files, see the following help topics:

To set up the processamento arquivo retorno record type:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, records & fields > Record types.

  2. Click the Processamento Arquivo Retorno (ID customrecord_o2s_cnab_proc_arq_retorno) record type.

    The record opens.

  3. Click the Forms subtab.

  4. Click Customize next to the Custom Processamento Arquivo Retorno Form form.

    A custom entry form opens.

    1. In the Name field, delete the suggested name and enter BRHub Processamento Arquivo Retorno Form.

    2. Check the Form Is Preferred box.

    3. Click Save.

  5. Click Save.

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