Creating Ocorrência de Retorno Records (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

In the return file the bank sends you, return occurrence codes identify the status of the payments you registered. To read the codes contained in the return files you receive, NetSuite verifies the ocorrência de retorno (return occurrence) records in your account and, according to them, updates the installments and transactions mentioned in the file.

The Brazilian Hub SuiteApp provides a predefined set of ocorrência de retorno records that covers the most common codes used by the banks provided with the SuiteApp. You can create custom ocorrência de retorno records for the codes and banks that are not predefined by Brazilian Hub. In general, banks can define their own codes and make them available in their guides.

To create a ocorrência de retorno:

  1. Go to BRHub > Aquivos Bancários > Lista: Ocorrências de retorno.

  2. In the Name field, enter the name of the return occurrence, as described by the bank in its guides.

  3. In the Banco field, select one or multiple banks to which the occurrence applies.

  4. In the Código field, enter the code that identifies the occurrence.

  5. In the Status CNAB field, select the status of the installment in NetSuite that relates to the occurrence.

  6. In the Status Envio CNAB field, select the status of the installment in the bank.

  7. If the occurrence applies to CNAB 400 return files, check the Layout 400 box.

  8. If the occurrence applies to CNAB 240 return files, check the Layout 240 box.

  9. Click Save.

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