Description Item

Description line items let you place sentence or paragraph long descriptions on items you are not selling. For example, you can enter special shipping instructions or a disclaimer.

To learn more, see Description Items.

This record is not a subrecord, nor does it have any subrecords.

The REST API Browser includes information about the field names and field types of the description item record, and about the HTTP methods, request parameters, and operations available to this record. For details, see the REST API Browser’s descriptionItem reference page.

For information about using the REST API Browser, see The REST API Browser.

Record ID

The record ID for the description item REST record is descriptionitem.

Code Sample

Creating a Description Item

              POST {{COMPANY_URL}}/services/rest/record/v1/descriptionitem { "itemId": "MY-CUSTOM-UNIQUE-ITEM-ID", "description": "Special shipping instructions..."


Getting a Description Item by ID

              GET {{COMPANY_URL}}/services/rest/record/v1/descriptionitem/{{descriptionItemId}}

{{descriptionItemId}} - existing description items record's ID 


Finding a Description Item by itemId

              GET {{COMPANY_URL}}/services/rest/record/v1/descriptionitem?q=itemId IS MY-CUSTOM-UNIQUE-ITEM-ID

Query parameters: q={{expression}}

possible expression: field {{operator}} field's value



Updating an Existing Description Item

              PATCH {{COMPANY_URL}}/services/rest/record/v1/descriptionitem/{{descriptionItemId}} { "description": "Updated description", "itemId": "updatedDescriptionItemId"


Removing a Description Item

              DELETE {{COMPANY_URL}}/services/rest/record/v1/descriptionitem/{{descriptionItemId}} 


Related Topics

General Notices