The REST API Browser

Go to the REST API Browser.

The REST API Browser provides a visual overview of the structure and capabilities of the REST web services Record API. The data presented in the REST API Browser is based on OpenAPI 3.0 metadata. For more information about metadata, see Working with OpenAPI 3.0 Metadata.

The REST API browser provides the following information:

Navigating in the REST API Browser

The REST API Browser is designed to let you browse for records and schema definitions in an alphabetical order.

To view records and schema definitions:

  1. Click the name of the appropriate record in the left pane.

    An example of a page in the REST API browser.
  2. Review the path, the request parameters, and the responses.

  3. Click the linked resource in the Responses section. By clicking the link, you can navigate to the schema definitions section of the REST API Browser.

    An example of navigating to the schema definitions in the REST API browser.
  4. In the schema definitions section, review the properties of the resource.

    An example of schema definitions in the REST API browser.

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