Task Tab

The Task tab allows the user to create a new task.

If the selected task has a case, then the newly created task will also have that same case.

This tab contains two screens. The first is the Add/Edit/Delete New Task For Current Case screen. The second is the New Task List For Current Case screen.

When the user enters the Task tab for the first time for the selected task the Add/Edit/Delete New Task For Current Case screen is displayed.

Once the user has filled out all necessary fields and saved the data the user can then navigate to the List New Tasks For Current Case screen showing the new task in the list. From this screen the user can navigate to the Add/Edit/Delete New Task For Current Case screen to add another new task, edit the currently selected task or delete the currently selected task.

Even after the data has been saved to the cloud the data is still editable and updated data may be saved over existing data.

NextService Mobile task tab.

Add/Edit/Delete New Task for Current Case scree in detail

This screen allows the user to add, edit and delete new tasks.





Errors/Alerts Shown

Highlighted in Screenshot

Back button

To allow the user to navigate to the New Task List For Current Case screen.

Displays the New Task List For Current Case screen.

Always visible.

However, if there are no saved new tasks for the current case to display, then pressing the button has no effect.



Toggle Selected Task Details Screen Visibility button

To allow the user access to functions on the Selected Task Details screen.

This button, positioned in the Control Bar, span the entire width of the screen except where any other buttons are positioned.

Inside this button, once the task has been saved, the new task number is shown.

Shows the Selected Task Details screen.




Delete Task button

To allow the user to delete a previously saved new task.

Shows the alert below.

If the user presses OK, then the current new task for the current case is deleted and all values on the Add/Edit/Delete New Task For Current Case screen are reverted back to default values.

If user presses Cancel, then the alert is hidden, and no changes are made.

If the user has just saved the data for a new task or has just navigated to the Add/Edit/Delete New Task For Current Case screen by pressing on a Task List entry within the Task list and has not yet made any changes to the data entry fields on the Add/Edit/Delete New Task For Current Case screen.

Shows the alert “Are you sure you want to Delete? OK. Cancel”.


Saving To Cloud indicator

To inform the user that the new task details are being saved to the cloud.


After the Save button has been pressed until the data has been saved to the cloud.



Discard Changes button

To allow the user to clear any changes that have been made within the Add/Edit/Delete New Task For Current Case screen.

Shows the alert below.

If the user presses OK on the alert, then Field Service Mobile reverts the contents of all data entry fields back to the previous values.

If no new task data has been saved previously for the selected task, then all data entry items will be set to default values.

If new task data has been saved previously for the selected task, then all values revert to their previous values when the new task data was last saved.

If the user presses Cancel on alert, then the alert is hidden, and no changes are made.

Once changes are made to any of the data entry items within the Add/Edit/Delete New Task For Current Case screen.

Shows the alert “Are you sure you want to discard your changes? OK. Cancel”.


Save button

To allow the user to save any changes that have been made within the Add/Edit/Delete New Task For Current Case screen.

Saves all the data entered within the Add/Edit/Delete New Task for Current case screen.

Once changes are made to any of the data entry items within the Add/Edit/Delete New Task For Current Case screen.



Type dropdown list

To allow the user to record the task type for the new task.





Message text box

Allows the user to record text notes for the new task.





Assigned dropdown list

Allows the user to assign a primary technician for the new task by selecting one entry from the dropdown list.





Assigned multiselect list

Allows the user to assign one or more technicians to the task by selecting one or more entries in the Assigned multiselect list.





Task Date selection field

To allow the user to enter a date for the new task.

If all of the field sections do not form a valid combination of values, then the alert below is shown.


Shows the alert “Please enter a valid value. The field is incomplete or has an invalid date.”


This field only allows the entry of numerals.

Depending on the configuration of the mobile device’s operating system the date format will be either DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY.

Only allows the entry of valid date value within each date section.

For the DD section: if the user enters a value above 31 then, as the user leaves the field section, the value within the field section is changed to the value 31.

For the MM section: if the user enters a value above 12 then, as the user leaves the field section, the value within the field section is changed to the value 12.

For the YYYY section: if the user enters the value 0000 then the value within the field section is changed to the value 0001. All other values are accepted as valid.

However, even if all of the field sections contain values which are within the valid range for that section, all the sections together must form a valid date or the alert “Please enter a valid value. The field is incomplete or has an invalid date.” will be shown.


Task Start Time selection field

To allow the user to enter the start time for the new task.





Only allows the entry of a valid 24-hour time value in the format HH:MM.

Allows only the entry of numerals in either the HH or MM section.

For the HH section: if the user enters a value above 23 then, as the user leaves the field section, the value within the field section is changed to the value 23.

For the MM section: if the user enters a value above 59 then, as the user leaves the field section, the value within the field section is changed to the value 59.


Task End Time selection field

To allow the user to enter the end time for the new task.





Only allows the entry of a valid 24-hour time value in the format HH:MM.

Allows only the entry of numerals in either the HH or MM section.

For the HH section: if the user enters a value above 23 then, as the user leaves the field, the value within the field section is changed to the value 23.

For the MM section: if the user enters a value above 59 then, as the user leaves the field, the value within the field section is changed to the value 59.


NextService Mobile task screen detail.

New Task List For Current Case screen in detail

This screen allows the user to view all new tasks that have been added.





Errors/Alerts Shown

Highlighted in Screenshot

Toggle Selected Task Details Screen Visibility button

To allow the user access to functions on the Selected Task Details screen.

Shows the Selected Task Details screen.




Add New Task button

To allow the user to add another new task for the current case.

Shows the Add/Edit/Delete Task For Current Case screen.




New Task list

To allow the user to see all new tasks that have been added.





New Task List item

To show the basic information for each new task that has been added.

Also, to function as a button which, when pressed, displays the Add/Edit/Delete Task For Current Case screen so that they may edit or delete the current information for the selected task.

Displays the Add/Edit/Delete Task For Current Case screen.

When there are one or more new tasks added for the case for the selected task.



NextService Mobile task list screen.

General Notices