Time Tab

The Time tab allows the user to record a list of actions (items) and time spent on that action for the selected task.

This tab contains two screens. One screen is known as the Time Item List screen. The other is known as the Add/Edit/Delete Time Item screen.

If there are existing time items for the selected task then the Time Item List screen is displayed, otherwise the Add/Edit/Delete Time Item screen is displayed so that the user may add the first time record.

Even after the data has been saved to the cloud the data is still editable and updated data may be saved over existing data until the Status of the selected task is set to Complete.

NextService Mobile time tab.

Time Item List screen in detail

This screen allows the user to see all of the time items that have been add for the selected task.





Errors/Alerts Shown

Highlighted in Screenshot

Toggle Selected Task Details Screen Visibility button

To allow the user access to functions on the Selected Task Details screen.

Displays the Selected Task Details screen.




Add Time Item button

To allow the user to navigate to the Add/Edit/Delete Time Item screen to add a new time record.

Displays the Add/Edit/Delete Time Item screen with all data entry fields set to default values.

If the Status of the selected task has not been set to Complete.



Time Item list

To display all time items for the selected task.





Time Item List entry

To display the detail of an existing time item. The fields shown are item name, item hours and item record creation date.

Also, to function as a button which, when pressed, allows the user to navigate to the Add/Edit/Delete Time Item screen to edit or delete the selected time item.

To allow the user to edit the data for an existing time item.

Displays the Add/Edit/Delete Time Item screen with all data entry fields filled with the data from the selected time item.

If there is one or more time items for the selected task.



NextService Mobile time tab list.

Add/Edit/Delete Time Item screen in detail

This screen allows the user to add, edit or delete time items.





Errors/Alerts Shown

Highlighted in Screenshot

Back button

To allow the user to navigate to the Time Item List screen.

Displays the Time Item List screen.

If there are existing time items for the selected task.



Toggle Selected Task Details Screen Visibility button

To allow the user access to functions on the Selected Task Details screen.

Shows the Selected Task Details screen.




Delete Time Item button

To allow the user to delete the current time item.

Shows the alert below.

If the user presses OK on the alert, then Field Service Mobile deletes the time item just saved. If the selected task has existing time items, after the deletion of this item, then the Time Tab List screen is displayed, otherwise the Task Detail screen is displayed.

If user presses Cancel, then the alert is hidden, and no changes are made.

Once a time item has been saved using the Save Time Item button.

Shows the alert “Are you sure you want to Delete? OK. Cancel”.


Saving To Cloud indicator

To inform the user that the time item is being saved to the cloud.


After the Save button has been pressed until the data has been saved to the cloud.



Discard Changes button

To allow the user to undo any changes made without saving any data.

Shows the alert below.

If user presses OK on the alert, then does not save entered values. If the selected task has existing time records then the Time Tab List screen is displayed, otherwise the Task Detail screen is displayed.

If the user was adding the first time item for this task, then the Selected Task Details screen will be shown. Otherwise, the Time Item List screen is shown.

If user presses Cancel on the alert, then the alert is hidden, and no changes are made.

When Item dropdown box and/or Hours text field fields are filled with value(s).

Shows the alert “Are you sure you want to discard your changes? OK. Cancel”.


Save button

To allow the user to save the entered values in the Item dropdown list and Hours text field.

Save the values into a new time item, showing the Saving To Cloud indicator while this happens.

Once the data has been saved the Saving To Cloud indicator is hidden and the Delete Time Item button is displayed.

When both Item dropdown box and Hours text field are filled with valid values.



Item Search button

To show the normally hidden Item Search text box to allow the user to type in a search query.

If the user presses on the Item Search button, then the Item Search text box field slides out from the right-hand side of the Item Search button allowing the user to type in a search query.

If the Status of the selected task is not set to Complete.

If the Status of the current task is set to Complete, then the Item Search button will be displayed but inactive.



Item Search text box

To allow the user to enter a search query which will be used to show only matching items in the Item dropdown list making it easier and quicker to find the desired item.

As the user types the search query text in the Item Search text box the Item dropdown list changes to show the user how many items match the search query. Once the user has typed the query, they should press on the Item dropdown list to show the matching items.

If the Item Search button is visible active and after the Item Search button has been pressed but the user has not pressed anywhere on the screen except for the Item Search button or Item Search text box.



Item dropdown list

To allow for the user to select from a list of items.

The list will be either the full list of all items in the system if the user has not entered a search query using the Item Search text box or, or a subset of all items in the system matching the search query if they have entered a search query.


If the Status of the current has not been set to Complete.

If the Status of the selected task has been set to Complete, then the Item dropdown list will be visible but not editable.



Hours text field

Allow user to type a whole or decimal number to represent the number of hours.





This field only allows the user to type numerals, decimal points or the letter “e”.

If the value entered contains two or more decimal points with numerals directly after them the value will be deemed invalid and the Save button, if currently shown, will be hidden.

Also, if the value entered contains the one or more instances of the letter “e”, the value will be deemed invalid and the Save button, if currently shown, will be hidden.


NextService Mobile time item detail screen.

General Notices