Finding the Predefined E-Document Template Files for Electronic Invoices for Goods (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

You can download predefined e-document template files for electronic invoices for goods and receiver acknowledgment events from your account's File Cabinet.

To find the predefined e-document template files for electronic invoices for goods:

  1. Go to Documents > Files > File Cabinet.

  2. In the sidebar or list, click SuiteApps.

    The files and folders within this folder appear.

  3. Click the com.netsuite.brazilcertificationtaxauth folder.

    The folders within this folder appear.

  4. (Optional) To download the entire template folder, click Download next to the templates folder.

    The folder is copied to your computer as a ZIP file. The folder contains all the predefined e-document template files provided by the Brazil Certification Tax Authorities SuiteApp.

  5. (Optional) To download a single template file, click the templates folder.

    1. If you are downloading an e-document template file for electronic invoices for goods, do the following:

      1. Click the Goods folder.

      2. Click the folder that corresponds to your account’s tax accounting:

        • For an account with SuiteTax, click the With SuiteTax folder.

        • For an account without SuiteTax, click the Legacy Tax folder.

      3. Find the template file you want to download and click Download.

        The folder may contain e-document template files to be used in a tax authority’s test environment. These files are identified by the prefix Test.

    2. If you are downloading an e-document template file for receiver acknowledgment events, do the following:

      1. Click the Receiver-Acknowledgment folder.

      2. Find the template file you want to download and click Download.

        The folder may contain e-document template files to be used in a tax authority’s test environment. These files are identified by the prefix Test.

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