Predefined E-Document Template Files for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

Brazilian Hub leverages Brazil Certification Tax Authorities SuiteApp's predefined templates, records, and tax authority plug-ins required for e-document certification. You should use these templates, plug-ins, and records as a reference to create your own records and customize the settings according to your business needs.

Brazil Certification Tax Authorities adds predefined records for the SEFAZ tax authorities to certify the following e-documents for all 26 Brazilian States and the Federal District:

To certify electronic invoices for services, the SuiteApp supplies predefined tax authority records for the following tax authorities:

If you need to certify electronic invoices for services with tax authorities from cities not on the aforementioned list, contact the tax authority to verify if they use a third-party standard.

Several tax authorities in Brazil use third-party standards to generate and certify e-documents. For Brazilian Hub, the following third-party standards are available:

The predefined files are available in your account’s File Cabinet. For more information about the File Cabinet, see Searching for and Viewing Files in the File Cabinet.

For more information about downloading the predefined files, see:

After you download and possibly customize the templates, you can use them to create e-document template records in NetSuite. For more information, see Creating E-Document Templates.

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