Behavior of View from Order Only Settings on Transaction Line and Transaction Body Custom Fields

The Applies To subtab of transaction body and transaction line custom fields have settings for Item Receipt and Item Fulfillment fields. These settings have associated View from Order Only fields. Checking a View from Order Only box does the following:

The following image shows an example of a transaction body field with the View from Order Only boxes checked.


On a Transaction Line Field, the Purchase and Sale boxes are named Purchase Item and Sale Item.

Transaction Body Field Image with View From Order Only selected

To use these fields, you must check the following boxes.


Available when these boxes are checked

(Item Receipt) View from Order Only

  • Purchase or Purchase Item

  • Item Receipt

  • Store Value

(Item Fulfillment) View from Order Only

  • Sale or Sale Item

  • Item Fulfillment

  • Store Value

Behavior on Item Receipts and Item Fulfillments

On a purchase order, when you click the Receive button, an Item Receipt page appears. The value in the custom Item Receipt field is taken from the original (parent) purchase order.

On a sales order, when you click the Fulfill button, an Item Fulfillment page appears. The value in the custom Item Fulfillment field is taken from the original (parent) sales order.

If the View from Order Only box is checked on the field definitions page, then the values in the related custom Item Receipt or custom Item Fulfillment fields are read-only. The field continues to display as read-only even after you save and then edit your receipt or fulfillment. If you return to the parent order and edit the value in the custom field, the value also updates on the related Item Receipt page or Item Fulfillment page. You can edit the values only after you clear the View from Order Only box.

The following table describes the behavior for purchase order transactions and item receipts using various settings. The behavior is the same for sales order transactions using the Sale box, Item Fulfillment box and Fulfill button.



Purchase or Purchase Item

Item Receipt

View from Order Only

Create New Item Receipt from Purchase Order by Clicking the Receive Button

Clear the View from Order Only box after Item Receipt is Created

Update Field Value on Purchase Order

Check or Clear the View from Order Only Box




Item Receipt page has no value in the related custom field.

You can enter and save a value.


Cannot update field on purchase order because the Purchase field is not applied.





Item Receipt page has a value in the related custom field that is copied from the parent purchase order.

You can edit and save this value.


Value on related Item Receipt page custom field does not update.





Item Receipt page has a value in the related custom field that is copied from the parent purchase order.

The value is read-only and cannot be changed.

Value is not taken from the parent purchase order. Instead, the value loads from a database, and contains the value that was sourced during the creation of the item receipt.

Value on related Item Receipt page custom field does update.

Clear: Field displays the value that was in the field when the item receipt was created from the purchase order.

If you change the value on the purchase order, the value on the item receipt remains the same.

Check: Field displays the updated value taken from the purchase order.

The following image shows an example of an Item Receipt page, where the value in the custom Item Receipt field has been taken from Purchase Order #2.

The behavior for a custom Item Fulfillment field on a sales order is the same, with the value being taken from the parent sales order.

Example image of Item Receipt with content sourced from a purchase order

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