Custom Fields

Custom fields are fields that you can add to your records and transactions to record information specific to your business needs. Custom fields can be created for records or for transactions. Record custom fields can be added to existing and custom subtabs on the entry forms you use to enter records in your NetSuite account. Transaction custom fields can be added to the top (body) or the line items (columns) of transactions. Custom fields are based on available standard fields and field types. For more information about custom field types, see the following:


SuiteScript does not support direct access to the NetSuite UI through the Document Object Model (DOM). You should access the NetSuite UI only by using SuiteScript APIs. For information about using SuiteScript APIs to customize the UI, see SuiteScript 2.x Custom Pages.

The following table lists required steps you must follow to create a custom field:

Required Steps

Related Help Topics

Set the basic properties for the field

Creating a Custom Field

Assign the field to forms, as needed

Assigning Custom Fields to Specific Record Types

Set the display properties for the field

Setting Display Options for Custom Fields

Set the required validation and defaulting properties and, if needed, create dynamic defaults and hyperlinks

Set any sourcing criteria needed for the field

Setting Sourcing Criteria

Set any access restrictions to the field based on department, role, or subsidiary

Set any filtering criteria needed for the field

Setting Filtering Criteria

The following table lists optional tasks you can perform when creating a custom field:

Optional Tasks

Related Help Topics

Filter choices in a dropdown list field

Dependent Dropdown Lists

Make a field read-only

Creating Read-Only Custom Fields

Add field-level help for a custom field

Adding Field-Level Help for Custom Fields

Translate the label and field help for the field

Adding Translations for Custom Fields

Add a custom transaction field to a custom transaction form

Adding Custom Fields to Transaction Forms

Add a formula to a field

Creating Formula Fields

Create a custom list

Custom Lists

Convert the field type of a custom field

Converting the Field Type of a Custom Field

Track changes made to a custom field

Tracking Changes to Custom Fields

Inactivate a custom field

Inactivating a Custom Field

Create custom fields with values derived from summary search results

Creating Custom Fields with Values Derived from Summary Search Results

Maintain saved searches that include edited custom fields

Maintaining Saved Searches that Include Edited Custom Fields

For step-by-step instructions on creating and editing custom fields, see the following:


You should be aware of the consequences of deleting a custom field. Instances of the deleted field will be removed from forms and lists and all associated data will be deleted. Reports and searches containing the deleted field will either have the field removed or may error out, depending on how the field is used. If you inactivate the field, the data is retained in NetSuite. Also note that changing the data type or permissions associated with a custom field can result in errors for reports and searches containing that field. For information about deleting a custom field, see Buttons and Menus in NetSuite.

Custom fields are supported in SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF). SDF is a development framework that you can use to create SDF SuiteApps, or to customize NetSuite accounts, using an integrated development environment (IDE) on your local computer. SuiteCloud projects are file-based and use XML definitions of custom NetSuite objects. For more information, see SDF Custom Object and File Development in SuiteCloud Projects.

For a general overview of custom fields setup options, watch the following video.

To view a list of custom fields training videos, see Custom Fields Videos.

Related Topics

General Notices