SuiteScript 2.x Custom Pages

You can use the SuiteScript 2.x API to create custom forms and list pages and you can also work with UI Objects.

Custom forms can be created using a Suitelet, a Portlet, or a user event script triggered on the beforeLoad entry point. Buttons, fields (configured or specialized), field groups, tabs and subtabs, sublists, and page links can all be included on a custom form. For more information, see SuiteScript 2.x Custom Forms.

Custom list pages can be created using a Suitlet or a Portlet. Buttons, columns, page links, and rows can all be included on a custom list page. For more information, see SuiteScript 2.x Custom List Pages

When you create custom forms and pages, you can build a custom UI to optimize your NetSuite environment while maintaining the NetSuite look and feel. There are several ways to create and manage your custom UI. You can use Customization, SuiteScript 2.x UI Components, or HTML. For more information, see SuiteScript 2.x Working with UI Objects


SuiteScript does not support direct access to the NetSuite UI through the Document Object Model (DOM). You should only access the NetSuite UI by using SuiteScript APIs.

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