Editing a Custom Field


If you edit a custom field ID, the field is removed from any saved searches that it is used in. Before you change a custom field ID, make a list of any saved searches that reference the field, then update the searches with the new ID. For more information, see Maintaining Saved Searches that Include Edited Custom Fields.

You can modify custom fields.

If you are viewing a form and want to know if a field is custom, open the field-level help and find the field ID. If the field ID is not visible in the help, you need to show the field IDs in your account.

For more information, see the following topics.

If the field ID begins with one of the following, the field is a custom field.

To edit a custom field:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > [Custom Fields], where [Custom Fields] is the type of custom field you want to modify. The Custom Fields page appears, listing all custom fields configured for that field type.

  2. Click the name of the custom field you want to modify. The Custom Field page is displayed for the selected field. You can modify the following:

    • Label

    • Field ID

    • Field Owner

    • Description

    • Type

    • Whether to store values for the field

    • Whether to use an encrypted format

    • Whether to have the field automatically shown in the list of records the field is applied to

    • Whether to index the field for global searches

    • Whether the record selected is the parent record. For more information, see Parent-Child Record Relationships.

    • Whether to make the custom entity field available for SuiteSignOn user identification. For more information, see Using Custom Fields as SuiteSignOn User Identification.

  3. To make other changes to the custom field, select the appropriate subtab:

    • Applies To — Assign the custom field to specific record types.

    • Display — Specify the size of the field and its exact location on the form relative to other fields and subtabs on the page.

    • Validation & Defaulting — Restrict the information that is entered in the field, and specify values that display automatically when a record or transaction is first created.

    • Sourcing & Filtering — Source information for the field from another record in your account, or tailor the choices available when entering records and transactions.

    • Access — Specify who can access the information in the field.

    • Employee Access — If Advanced Employee Permissions is enabled for your organization, specify access restrictions for custom employee fields.

    • Translation — Translate the label and field-level help for the field.

    For more information about the Custom Field page and subtabs, see Creating a Custom Field.

  4. Make necessary edits. Then click Save.

When making changes to the settings for custom fields, the following options are available:


To edit a custom field in a custom record type, open the custom record type and select the custom field from the Fields subtab. For more information about the Fields subtab, see Adding Fields to Custom Record Types.

Also, see the following topics:

Related Topics

General Notices