Account-Specific Domains in Custom Fields

You should use URLs that include account-specific domains in all custom fields.

In the past, NetSuite domains contained an identifier of the data center where your account was hosted. Links in custom fields used these data center-specific domains. NetSuite domains no longer include data center identifiers. Instead, the domain identifies your account, not to the data center where your account is hosted. These are called account-specific domains.

Currently, a data center-specific domain in the URL will automatically be modified to an account-specific domain in the NetSuite center. This modification happens for hyperlink, rich text, long text, free-form text, text area, help, and inline HTML custom field types.

The automatic modification from data center-specific URLs to account-specific domain URLs is applied to your active session. Configuration of the URL does not change. Links that use account-specific domains are faster than links modified in the current session. You should update all links in custom fields to use your account-specific domain.

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