Inactivating a Custom Field

If required, you can remove a custom field from a specific record type or delete the field completely. Alternatively, you can make a custom field inactive instead of deleting it. Data and associated forms for an inactive custom field are maintained in NetSuite. Maintenance in NetSuite is useful in cases where you may need to use a custom field again, or you simply want to preserve custom field data in the system.


Be aware of the consequences of deleting a custom field. Instances of the deleted field will be removed from forms and lists and all associated data will be deleted. Reports and searches containing the deleted field will either have the field removed or may error out, depending on how the field is used. If you inactivate the field, the data is retained in NetSuite. Also note that changing the data type or permissions associated with a custom field can result in errors for reports and searches containing that field.

When a custom field is inactive, the field no longer appears on any forms, is not available in searches, and is not available to SuiteScript or SuiteAnalytics Connect, the same as a deleted field.

You can make a custom field inactive on the record page for the custom field or in a list of custom fields:

When a custom field is made inactive, it no longer appears on any forms or reports and it is not returned by global search – it is not available anywhere, the same as a deleted field. However, data and associated forms for an inactive custom field are maintained in NetSuite, whereas a deleted field is completely removed from the system. If an inactive field is later made active again, all of its data is restored, and the field appears on all of the same forms as before it was made inactive.


Some settings are not maintained for inactive fields, including display formatting. Also, NetSuite does not verify if custom fields are referenced in SuiteScripts. If you inactivate a custom field, update any SuiteScripts that reference the field, otherwise they will not work.

You cannot make a custom field inactive if other NetSuite records depend on it. For example, you cannot make a custom field inactive if any of the following conditions apply:

In addition to the preceding examples, there are other dependencies that can prevent you from making a custom field inactive.

When you try to inactivate a custom field that has dependencies, you’ll receive an error message. The message contains a link to a Dependent Records page, where you can review details about these dependencies.

Before you try to make custom fields inactive, you can use the Check Inactivate Dependencies option under the Actions menu on each custom field record to check for dependencies. Another option is available to check dependencies that can prevent you from deleting a field. When you do one of these checks, a Dependent Records page appears. If the list has no records, you can make the custom field inactive or delete it without errors.

You cannot delete or inactivate the custom field if it is used for criteria in duplicate detection. If you try to do so, you will receive an error message. For more information about duplicate detection, see Setting Up Duplicate Detection.


You cannot make script custom fields inactive.


If a bundle contains an inactive custom field and in the target account that field is active, and you update the bundle, the custom field remains active in the target account after the bundle update. If the bundle contains an active custom field and in the target account that field is inactive, the field is changed to be active in the target account. For more information, see Bundle Update Reference.

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