Customization Overview
With the customization tools, you can tailor NetSuite to your individual business needs and processes. Customization provides a point-and-click interface for creating fields, forms, record types, transaction types, form layouts, segments, and centers. Customization also lets you define how information is accessed and entered by each user of your NetSuite account.
Customization Users
There are three types of Customization users:
Administrators – Administrators spend time customizing transaction forms, adding custom record types, and setting up custom centers for roles within the company. Some of the customization work is unique to a specific business. Administrators also assign roles to each NetSuite user. These roles determine which information each user has access to in your NetSuite account.
IT Staff – Issues addressed by the IT department often include requests for changes to the NetSuite account. These issues can range from small tasks such as adding a field to a form, to larger work items like creating custom record types. IT staff members may have access to administrative tools that enable them to manage data in the system, and schedule batch processing jobs.
Developers – For developers of partner solutions and independent software vendors (ISVs), most time with NetSuite is spent coding SuiteScript and SOAP web services. To use these features, developers require a solid understanding of how customization objects interact with their code.
Customizing NetSuite Components
Regardless of your experience with other software applications, using Customization can quickly help you set up NetSuite. Use Customization to customize the components that control how your users interact with NetSuite.
Access Information
To define how users interact with NetSuite and what data they have access to, you can configure these components.
Component |
Description |
More Information |
Role |
Set of permissions that can be assigned to a NetSuite user |
Center |
Configuration of NetSuite created for a specific group of roles with similar tasks. |
Center tab |
Section of NetSuite that groups similar links and other information. Standard tabs include Home, Reports, Documents, Activities, and Setup. You can also create custom center tabs. |
Set Up Data
To define how to get the most out of your NetSuite implementation, use these components to configure your data.
Componet |
Description |
More Information |
Record |
A single entry of information related to a single business concept. Use custom records to collect information specific to the needs of your business. |
Segment |
A single entry of information related to a single business concept. Use custom segments to create custom classification fields similar to class, department, and location. |
Transaction |
A single entry of information related to a single business concept. Use custom transactions to create transaction types tailored to your business needs. |
List |
List of values that can be selected in a custom field. Use custom lists to set up predefined choices for your employees and customers to select when entering transactions and records. |
Template |
A single entry of information related to a single business concept. Use advanced templates to customize printed and emailed forms, records, and saved searches. |
Collect and Display Data
To collect and display data within NetSuite, you must use forms. A form is a page through which you enter records and transactions. Use these components to build your own forms or customize an existing form.
Component |
Description |
More Information |
Field |
Place on a record or transaction where information is entered. |
Subtab |
Section of a record or transaction that groups similar fields. An example of a standard subtab is the Address subtab where the shipping and billing addresses are entered on transactions and records. |
Sublist |
The results of a saved search displayed on a custom or standard record. Sublists can also be generated through parent-child relationships. |
Script |
SuiteScript JavaScript file that runs against a specific form or record type or that creates a custom portlet. Scripts can also be scheduled to perform periodically. |
Customization Objects in SDF
Custom objects can be managed in SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF). SDF uses XML definitions of custom objects to work with the object attributes, fields, fields structures, field properties, field values, and other details. For more information, see SuiteCloud Development Framework XML Reference.
If the Multi-Languages feature is enabled in your account, you can define translated labels of customization objects, records, or fields to be used for various language settings. For more information, see Translatability Overview and SuiteApp Translatability Support.
When working with custom objects that have translatable fields, you can use reference a translation string from a translation collection. For more information about translatable fields, see Translatable Fields on SDF Custom Objects and Translatable Fields in SuiteCloud Development Framework.
For more information about developing custom objects in SDF, see SDF Custom Object and File Development in SuiteCloud Projects.
Customize Your NetSuite Account
Now that you know what components can be customized, see the following topics for more information: