Return Authorization

A return authorization record exposes a return authorization to REST web services. This record is not a subrecord. This record has one subrecord: record ID item.

The REST API Browser includes information about the field names and field types of the return authorization record. It also includes information about the HTTP methods, request parameters, and operations available to this record. For details, see the REST API Browser’s returnAuthorization reference page.

For information about using the REST API Browser, see The REST API Browser.

Record ID

The record ID for a return authorization REST record is returnAuthorization.


These fields are not exposed:

  • Taxable

  • Tax

  • Tax %


The return authorization record has the following actions through REST web services:

  • New

  • Email

  • Show Activity

  • Go To Register

  • GL Impact

Label Mapping

The REST label for customer is entity. The corresponding UI form label is CUSTOMER.



REST web services do not support legacy tax features. To work with taxation through REST web services, you must have the SuiteTax feature enabled. For more information about using SuiteTax, see SuiteTax.

The return authorization record includes the following fields related to taxation features:

  • Taxable

  • Tax

  • Tax %

  • Customer Tax Reg. Number

  • Subsidiary Tax Reg. Number

  • Tax Details Override

  • Tax Point Date

  • Tax Point Date Override

  • Tax Registration Override

  • Tax

Code Samples

These samples show common use cases for return authorizations. The example ID is 132.

Creating a Return Authorization Using a POST Request

{ "altSalesTotal": 0.0, "canHaveStackable": false, "currency": { "id": 3 }, "deferredRevenue": 0.0, "discountTotal": 1.0, "entity": { "id": 164 }, "exchangeRate": 1.0, "excludeCommission": false, "item": { "items": [ { "item": { "id": 5 }, "line": 1, "quantity": 2.0, "rate": 12.78 } ] }, "netAltSalesTotal": 0.0, "salesEffectiveDate": "2023-05-30", "salesTeam": { "items": [ { "contribution": 100.00, "employee": { "id": "40" }, "isPrimary": false, "salesRole": { "id": "-2" } }, { "contribution": 100.00, "employee": { "id": "134" }, "isPrimary": true, "salesRole": { "id": "3" } } ] }, "shipIsResidential": false, "shipOverride": false, "subtotal": 39.95, "toBeEmailed": false, "toBeFaxed": false, "toBePrinted": false, "total": 39.95, "tranDate": "2023-07-13", "tranIsVsoeBundle": false, "vsoeAutoCalc": false, "weekendpreference": "ASIS"


Retrieving a Return Authorization Using a GET Request



Updating a Return Authorization Using a PATCH Request

              PATCH{ "altSalesTotal": 0.0, "canHaveStackable": false, "currency": { "id": 3 }, "deferredRevenue": 0.0, "discountTotal": 1.0, "entity": { "id": 164 }, "exchangeRate": 1.0, "excludeCommission": false, "item": { "items": [ { "item": { "id": 5 }, "line": 1, "quantity": 2.0, "rate": 12.78 } ] }, "netAltSalesTotal": 0.0, "salesEffectiveDate": "2023-05-30", "salesTeam": { "items": [ { "contribution": 100.00, "employee": { "id": "40" }, "isPrimary": false, "salesRole": { "id": "-2" } }, { "contribution": 100.00, "employee": { "id": "134" }, "isPrimary": true, "salesRole": { "id": "3" } } ] }, "shipIsResidential": false, "shipOverride": false, "subtotal": 39.95, "toBeEmailed": false, "toBeFaxed": false, "toBePrinted": false, "total": 39.95, "tranDate": "2023-07-13", "tranIsVsoeBundle": false, "vsoeAutoCalc": false, "weekendpreference": "ASIS"


Deleting a Return Authorization Using a DELETE Request



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