Item Type Mapping

You can map any item type from your NetSuite account to any item type in your Planning and Budgeting.

To create the mapping:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types.

  2. In the list of record types, locate the NSPB | Item Type Mapping record type.

  3. Click New Record for the record type.

  4. From the Source Item Type dropdown list, select the item type you want to map from NetSuite to your Planning and Budgeting.

  5. In the Target Item Type field, enter the name of the item type in your Planning and Budgeting you want to map to.

  6. Click Save.


    If you create a duplicate mapping record, the latter record is used in the generated saved search result.

  7. Click List in the upper-right corner of the page to view the mapping you have created.

Related Topics

Metadata Export to Planning and Budgeting
Supported Metadata Saved Searches
Supported Prefixes of Metadata Saved Searches IDs
Item Metadata
Vendor Metadata
Location Metadata
Accounts Metadata
Class Metadata
Customer Metadata
Department Metadata
Project Metadata
Customer Project Metadata
Employee Metadata
Custom Segment Metadata
Creating the Hierarchy of Metadata
Optimal Number of Metadata Records to Import
Returning Metadata Hierarchy Based Only on Cloned Saved Search
Account Type Mapping

General Notices