Creating the Hierarchy of Metadata

You can clone and customize any of the supported metadata saved searches. To create a hierarchy of metadata you want to export in a saved search, you can add columns to the metadata saved search result.

To customize and add columns to a metadata saved search:

  1. Go to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches to clone an existing metadata saved search.

  2. Click Edit next to a metadata saved search of your choice.

  3. Change the saved search title.

  4. Click Save As.

    This clones the saved search.

  5. On the Saved Searches page, click Edit next to the cloned saved search.

  6. Verify that the saved search is public.

  7. Click Change ID, and append an alphanumeric value to the saved search ID.


    Make sure you do not change the original saved search ID, and only append a value to the original saved search ID.

  8. On the Results subtab, add the new columns after the existing columns.


    Make sure you apply the following best practices for adding the new columns:

    • Enter a Custom Label value for every column you add to the saved search result.

    • Add columns with unique Custom Label values. If you add duplicate columns, the generated saved search result may not be imported successfully to your Planning and Budgeting.

    The following list gives details about customizing columns for metadata saved searches:

    • NSPB Sync does not support any values in the Summary Type column for metadata.

    • You cannot customize the Parent column and the Data Storage formula.

    • For Accounts metadata saved searches, you cannot customize the Alias: Default formula.

  9. Make any other necessary changes, and click Save.

The following list gives details about the metadata saved search customization and hierarchy:

Related Topics

Metadata Export to Planning and Budgeting
Supported Metadata Saved Searches
Supported Prefixes of Metadata Saved Searches IDs
Item Metadata
Vendor Metadata
Location Metadata
Accounts Metadata
Class Metadata
Customer Metadata
Department Metadata
Project Metadata
Customer Project Metadata
Employee Metadata
Custom Segment Metadata
Optimal Number of Metadata Records to Import
Returning Metadata Hierarchy Based Only on Cloned Saved Search
Account Type Mapping
Item Type Mapping

General Notices