Setting Up Transaction Email Capture Preferences

You must set the following preferences before sending vendor bills to NetSuite.

To set up transaction email capture preferences:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > General Preferences.

  2. Click the Custom Preferences subtab.

  3. On the Transaction Email Capture section, select the following for each field:

    1. Vendor Bill Email Notification Sender – Select the employee whose email address should appear as the sender of vendor bill email notification sent by your company.

    2. Vendor Bill Recipient – Select the employee whose file cabinet will be used to store the vendor bills sent by vendors.

      All the files received through email from vendors will be stored in this employee’s assigned subsidiary and will be visible to other employees who only have access to that subsidiary.

    By default, the SuiteApp sets the employee record with internal ID -5 as the vendor bill email notification sender and vendor bill recipient.

  4. (Optional) If you want email senders to receive email notifications when sending emails without file attachments, check the Send Emails When File Attachments are Missing box.

    This preference is not enabled by default. If the box is clear, the email sender will not receive an email notification.

  5. Click Save.

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General Notices