Transaction Email Capture Error Messages

This section lists some of the common errors when using the Transaction Email Capture SuiteApp and what you can do to resolve the error.

Transaction Email Capture User Errors

Error Message



Cannot set employee to inactive. The employee is set as the vendor bill email notification sender.

Select a different sender on the General Preferences page and try again.

You tried to set the employee record of the vendor bill email notification sender to inactive.

Before setting the employee record to inactive, you must select a different sender on the General Preferences page (Setup > Company > General Preferences).

Cannot remove employee’s email address. The employee is set as the vendor bill email notification sender.

Select a different sender on the General Preferences page and try again.

You tried to remove the email address of the vendor bill email notification sender in the employee record.

Before removing the email address in the employee record, you must select a different sender on the General Preferences page.

Cannot delete employee record. The employee is set as the vendor bill email notification sender.

Select a different sender on the General Preferences page and try again.

You attempted to delete the employee record of the vendor bill email notification sender.

You must select a different sender on the General Preferences page before deleting the employee record.

Cannot set employee to inactive. The employee is set as the vendor bill recipient.

Select a different recipient on the General Preferences page and try again.

You tried to set the employee record of the vendor bill recipient to inactive.

You must select a different recipient on the General Preferences page before setting the employee record to inactive.

Cannot remove employee’s email address. The employee is set as the vendor bill recipient.

Select a different recipient on the General Preferences page and try again.

You tried to remove the email address of the vendor bill recipient in the employee record.

You must select a different recipient on the General Preferences page before removing the email address in the employee record.

Cannot delete employee record. The employee is set as the vendor bill recipient.

Select a different recipient on the General Preferences page and try again.

You tried to delete the employee record of the vendor bill email notification sender.

You must select a different recipient on the General Preferences page before deleting the employee record.

Cannot add the following email addresses because they are either already added to this vendor record or used in another vendor record:

  • List of email addresses

Review the vendor bill sender list on the Transaction Email Capture subtab and try again.

You tried to add an existing email address in the vendor bill sender list on the Transaction Email Capture subtab.

Review the vendor bill sender list on the Transaction Email Capture subtab and ensure that all email addresses are unique.

Email Notification Errors Sent to Employees

Email Notification Error



The files cannot be processed due to one of the following reasons:

  • Your role does not have permission to use the Bill Capture feature.

    To change the permissions on your role, contact your administrator

  • The folder to store vendor bills in NetSuite for your employee record does not exist.

    If you are a new employee, the system automatically creates a folder within 24 hours. To prompt the system to create a folder, you can manually upload your vendor bill file on the Scanned Vendor Bills page.

The employee either does not have permission to use the Bill capture feature, or the folder to store vendor bills in NetSuite does not exist.

The employee must do the following actions:

  • To change your role permissions, see Prerequisites for Bill Capture.

  • If you are a new employee, the system automatically creates a folder within 24 hours.

    Otherwise, a folder is automatically created in the File Cabinet when you manually upload a vendor bill on the Scanned Vendor Bills page. For more information, see Uploading Vendor Bills Into NetSuite.

The files are not processed because an unknown email address is used.

Check the email address of the sender and ensure that it belongs to an active employee or vendor.

The employee sent vendor bills using an unknown email address.

An email address is unknown when either of the following is true:

  • The email address belongs to an inactive employee.

  • The email address does not match any employee record.

The employee's email address must belong to an active employee.

The files cannot be processed because the Bill Capture feature is not enabled in your NetSuite account.

Enable the required feature. Contact your account administrator for assistance.

The Bill Capture feature is disabled.

You must enable the Bill Capture feature. For more information, see Transaction Email Capture Prerequisites.

The following files are not processed because the file attachments are not supported:

  • List of files

Use only PDF, JPEG, or PNG files as attachments.

The email attachments include files that are not supported.

The employee must only attach supported file types:

  • PDF

  • JPEG

  • PNG

The following files are not processed because an attachment exceeds the maximum allowed file size of 8 MB:

  • List of files

Limit the file size of attachments to 8 MB per file.

The email attachments include a file that exceeds the maximum allowed file size of 8 MB.

Each file that the employee can attach must not exceed the file size limit of 8 MB. The total attachment size limit is 10 MB.

The following files are not processed because either the file format is not supported, or the file size exceeds 8 MB:

  • List of files

Attach files in PDF, JPEG, or PNG file format only. File size must not exceed 8 MB per file.

The email attachments include either a file that exceeds the maximum file size limit of 8 MB or an unsupported file type.

Each file that the employee can attach must not exceed the file size limit of 8 MB. The total attachment size limit is 10 MB.

The employee must only attach supported file types:

  • PDF

  • JPEG

  • PNG

You are receiving this email because you may have forgotten to attach a vendor bill file.

Before sending the email, make sure to attach your vendor bill in PDF, JPEG, or PNG format. File size must not exceed 8 MB per file.

The email message sent by the employee does not include attachments.

The employee must send at least one file attachment with a file size up to 8 MB only. The total attachment size limit is 10 MB.

The employee must only attach supported file types:

  • PDF

  • JPEG

  • PNG

The following files are not processed because the email exceeds the maximum allowable number (20) of file attachments:

  • List of unprocessed files

Ensure the email does not contain more than 20 file attachments and then try again.

The employee sent an email that exceeds the maximum allowable number of file attachments.

The employee must send only 20 file attachments. For more information, see Sending Vendor Bills to NetSuite.

Email Notification Errors Sent to Vendors

Email Notification Error



The following files cannot be processed because of incomplete prerequisites:

  • List of files

An email was sent to <vendor bill recipient email> to help resolve the issue. To know the status, contact <company name> by sending an email to <vendor bill recipient email>.

After resolving the issue, try resending your message.

The vendor bill recipient either does not have permission to use the Bill Capture feature, or the folder to store vendor bills in NetSuite does not exist.

The vendor bill recipient must do the following actions:

  • To change the permissions on your role, see Prerequisites for Bill Capture.

  • If you are a new employee, the system automatically creates a folder within 24 hours.

    Otherwise, a folder is automatically created in the File Cabinet when you manually upload a vendor bill on the Scanned Vendor Bills page. For more information, see Uploading Vendor Bills Into NetSuite.

The files are not processed because an unknown email address is used.

Check the email address of the sender and ensure that it belongs to an active employee or vendor.

The vendor sent vendor bills using an unknown email address.

The email address is unknown because of the following reasons:

  • The email address used belongs to an inactive vendor.

  • The email address used does not match any vendor record.

The vendor's email address must belong to an active vendor.

The files cannot be processed because the Bill Capture feature is not enabled in your NetSuite account.

Enable the required feature. Contact your account administrator for assistance.

The Bill Capture feature is disabled.

You must enable the Bill Capture feature. For more information, see Transaction Email Capture Prerequisites.

The following files are not processed because the file attachments are not supported:

  • List of files

Use only PDF, JPEG, or PNG files as attachments.

The email attachments include files that are not supported.

The vendor must only attach supported file types:

  • PDF

  • JPEG

  • PNG

The following files are not processed because an attachment exceeds the maximum allowed file size of 8 MB:

  • List of files

Limit the file size of attachments to 8 MB per file.

The email attachments sent by the vendor include a file that exceeds the maximum file size limit of 8 MB.

The vendor must send file attachments with a file size of up to 8 MB only. The total attachment size limit is 10 MB.

The following files are not processed because either the file format is not supported, or the file size exceeds 8 MB:

  • List of files

Attach files in PDF, JPEG, or PNG file format only. File size must not exceed 8 MB per file.

The email attachments include either a file that exceeds the maximum file size limit of 8 MB or an unsupported file type.

The vendor must send file attachments with a file size up to 8MB only. The total attachment size limit is 10 MB.

The vendor must only attach supported file types:

  • PDF

  • JPEG

  • PNG

You are receiving this email because you may have forgotten to attach a vendor bill file.

Before sending the email, make sure to attach your vendor bill in PDF, JPEG, or PNG format. File size must not exceed 8 MB per file.

The email sent by the vendor has no attachments.

The vendor must send at least one file attachment with a file size up to 8 MB only. The total attachment size limit is 10 MB.

The vendor must only attach supported file types:

  • PDF

  • JPEG

  • PNG

The following files are not processed because the email exceeds the maximum allowable number (20) of file attachments:

  • List of unprocessed files

Ensure the email does not contain more than 20 file attachments and then try again.

The email message sent by the vendor exceeds the maximum allowable number of file attachments.

The employee or vendor must send only 20 file attachments. For more information, see Sending Vendor Bills to NetSuite.

Email Notification Errors Sent to Vendor Bill Recipients

Error Message



The files sent by <vendor email> are not processed due to one of the following reasons:

  • Your role does not have permission to use the Bill Capture feature.

    To change the permissions on your role, contact your administrator.

  • The folder to store vendors in NetSuite for your employee record does not exist.

    If you are a new employee, the system automatically creates a folder within 24 hours. To prompt the system to create a folder, you can manually upload your vendor bill file on the Scanned Vendor Bills page.

The vendor bill recipient either does not have permission to use the Bill capture feature, or the folder to store vendor bills in NetSuite does not exist.

The vendor bill recipient must do one or both of the following actions:

  • To change role permissions, contact your administrator. For more information, see Prerequisites for Bill Capture.

  • If you are a new employee, the system automatically creates a folder within 24 hours.

    Otherwise, a folder is automatically created in the File Cabinet when you manually upload a vendor bill on the Scanned Vendor Bills page. For more information, see Uploading Vendor Bills Into NetSuite.

The files sent by <vendor email> are not processed because the Bill Capture feature is not enabled in your NetSuite account.

Enable the required feature and ask the vendor to send the files again.

The Bill Capture feature is disabled.

The account administrator must enable the Bill Capture feature. For more information, see Transaction Email Capture Prerequisites.

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