Payment Method

NetSuite exposes the payment method record to REST web services. A payment method represents an account that transactions write into. You can create payment methods to add selections to the Payment Method field on transactions and in your Web store.

For information about working with the payment method record in the UI, see Creating a Payment Method.

There are not any prerequisites required for using the payment method record through REST web services.

Note that when you create a new payment method, you have to provide the methodtype ID, for example "1" for the Payment Card payment method type. For a list of available payment method type IDs, see Creating a Payment Method.

The REST API Browser includes information about the field names and field types of the payment method record and about the HTTP methods, request parameters, and operations available to this record.

For details, see the REST API Browser’s paymentMethod reference page.

For information about using the REST API Browser, see The REST API Browser.

Record ID

The record ID for the payment method REST record is paymentMethod.


The payment method record has a sublist of the paymentMethodVisual subrecord, which is not exposed to REST web services.

Code Samples

The code samples in this section show common use cases for payment methods.

Creating a Payment Method

{ "name": "Credit Card PM", "methodtype": {"id": "1"}, /* Id of Payment Card type */ "cardBrands":{ "items":[ {"id": "6"}, {"id": "3"} ] }, "merchantAccounts":{ "items":[ {"id": "1"} ] }


Updating a Payment Method

              PATCH{id} { "name": "Updated Payment Method"


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