Product Descriptions

SuiteCommerce Solutions


NetSuite’s SuiteCommerce solutions help you implement full shopping, checkout, and my account experiences for B2C and B2B businesses. You can apply different themes to present a unique design to your site, and you can add features and functionality to your site by activating extensions.

Currently there are three SuiteCommerce product solutions to choose from:

  • SuiteCommerce — with SuiteCommerce, you can activate different themes and extensions for one or more domains associated with your NetSuite site. You can also develop your own custom themes and extensions to create a unique stylistic look or provide additional functionality. SuiteCommerce also supports Site Management Tools (SMT), letting you manage content on your web site using an intuitive user interface.

  • SuiteCommerce MyAccount (SCMA) — with SuiteCommerce MyAccount, you provide a self-service website for your customers to perform basic online account management tasks. Customers can manage account information, pay invoices view transactions and account balances, and manage support cases and quotes. SCMA is built using the same framework as SuiteCommerce, but without access to web store and checkout features.

  • SuiteCommerce Advanced (SCA) — with SCA, you have all of the functionality of a SuiteCommerce implementation, but you also have complete control over the source for advanced customization beyond what can be done with themes and extensions.

For more information, see Store Front.

Site Management Tools


Commerce Site Management Tools let you manage content, add landing pages, and enhance existing pages on your SuiteCommerce web store through a user interface.

For more information, see Site Management Tools.



Commerce merchandising tools help merchandisers know what their shoppers want and lets them present their shoppers with offers that provide maximum appeal.

For more information, see Merchandising.

SuiteCommerce InStore


SuiteCommerce InStore (SCIS) is a web-based point-of-sale application. It provides a touch-based user interface specifically designed for tablet-based mobile devices such as iPads. Dedicated point-of-sale hardware is not required. SCIS supports common point-of-sale peripherals including credit card readers, printers, bar code scanners, and cash drawers.

For more information, see SuiteCommerce InStore (SCIS).

NetSuite Point of Sale


NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS) is an in-store register component of the SuiteCommerce product line. Designed for midsize retailers, NSPOS works on Windows computers. It comprises self-contained databases synchronized with cloud-based servers. NSPOS is a high-performance, full-featured solution that can scale as retailers increase their sales volume and expand to new locations. The user interface and features can be modified to meet most location-based requirements.

NSPOS works with peripheral equipment such as bar code scanners, PIN pads for card tenders, cash drawers, receipt printers, and mouse and keyboard setups. Sales associates can also use on-screen features such as dynamic item look-up, a tap screen interface, and a virtual keyboard.

For more information, see NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS).


NSPOS and SCIS are both point-of-sale solutions. NSPOS configures Windows computers to function as point-of-sale workstations while SCIS provides point-of-sale services using iOS and Windows mobile devices, such as iPads.

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