Brazilian Hub Reporting SuiteApp Installation

This topic guides you through the installation of the Brazilian Hub Reporting SuiteApp (BRHub Reporting).


BRHub Reporting is a shared bundle and can only be installed in previously authorized accounts. For more information, contact your account manager.

Brazilian Hub Reporting Installation Prerequisites

To install the Brazilian Hub Reporting SuiteApp, first you must install the following SuiteApps:


If you need to issue electronic invoices to more than one country, contact your account manager to acquire additional licenses.

For additional information, contact your account manager.

Installing the Brazilian Hub Reporting SuiteApp

The Brazilian Hub Reporting SuiteApp (Bundle ID: 334884) is a managed bundle. Whenever there are enhancements or new features added, your account is automatically updated. You can install the Brazilian Hub Reporting SuiteApp by performing the following steps:

To install the Brazilian Hub Reporting SuiteApp:

  1. Go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles.

  2. In the Keywords field, enter Brazilian Hub Reporting, or 334884, the Bundle ID.

  3. Click Search.

    Brazilian Hub Reporting, Bundle ID 334884, should appear in the search results.

  4. Click on the Brazilian Hub Reporting link.

  5. On the Bundle Details page, click Install.

For more information about installing SuiteApps, see Installing a Bundle.

To uninstall the bundle, see Uninstalling a Bundle.

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