Generating Electronic Invoices for Imported Goods (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

In Brazil, you need to register the purchase of goods from international vendors on electronic invoices for goods (NF-e).

To generate an electronic invoice for imported goods from a vendor bill:

  1. Go to Transactions > Payables > Enter Bills.

  2. Under Primary Information, in the Vendor field, select the vendor of the imported goods.

  3. In the Status field, select the transaction’s status.

    You can only generate electronic invoices on bills with the Approved status.

  4. Under Classification, the Subsidiary field automatically displays the customer’s primary subsidiary. If the transaction relates to a different subsidiary, select the appropriate subsidiary.

  5. In the Location field, select the city where the subsidiary is located.

  6. Under Informações Fiscais, in the Tipo Documento field, select the type of e-document you want to generate on this invoice.

    To generate an electronic invoice for goods, select NF-e.

  7. In the Tipo Emitente field, select 0 – Próprio.

  8. In the Natureza da Operação field, select the transaction nature of the electronic invoice.

  9. In the Modelo field, select the electronic invoice template number.

    For NF-e generation, select 55.

  10. In the Série field, select the electronic invoice for goods series.

  11. Click the Expenses and Items subtab.

  12. In the Expenses subtab, enter the expenses associated with importing the items.

  13. Click the Items subtab.

    1. In the Item column, select the item you imported.

    2. In the Quantity column, enter the quantity for the item.

    3. In the Unit Price column, enter a price for single unit of the item.

    4. In the CFOP column, enter the Código Fiscal de Operações e de Prestações (CFOP) code of the item.

    5. Click Add.

      You can add more items to the transaction by repeating the preceding steps.

  14. Click the E-Document subtab.

  15. In the E-Document Template field, select the electronic invoice for goods certification template.

    The certification template provided by the Brazilian Hub (BRHub) SuiteApp is usually named NF-e - Autorização.

  16. Click the Parcelas subtab.

  17. In the Condição de Pagamento field, select the bill’s term of payment.

    This field only lists the terms of payment associated with the transaction’s subsidiary.

  18. (Optional) In the Banco Previsão field, select the bank account to which to post the payment of the invoice.

    You can change this account in the payment transaction.

  19. Click the Importação subtab.

  20. In the Número do Documento de Importação field, enter the import declaration number.

  21. In the Data de Registro do Documento field, enter the date on which the import declaration was issued.

  22. In the Local de Desembaraço field, select the location where the imported goods were cleared.

  23. In the UF Desembaraço Aduaneiro field, select the federative unit where the customs clearance occurred.

  24. In the Data do Desembaraço Aduaneiro field, enter the date in which the customs clearance ocurred.

  25. In the Via Transporte Internacional da DI field, select the way the goods were shipped.

  26. If the goods were shipped by sea, in the Valor da AFRMM field, enter the amount of Adicional ao Frete para Renovação da Marinha Mercante (AFRMM) paid.

  27. In the Valor Taxa Siscomex field, enter the amount paid to issue the import declaration on the Sistema Integrado de Comércio Exterior (Siscomex) system.

  28. In the Forma de Importação Quanto a Intermediação field, select the import intermediary.

  29. In the Código do Exportador field, enter the international manufacturer or exporter name or export code.

  30. In the Número da Adição field, enter the Adição number provided in the import declaration.

  31. In the Número Sequencial de Adição field, enter the Adição sequential number provided in the import declaration.

  32. In the Código do Fabricante Estrangeiro field, enter the international manufacturer code.

  33. In the Tipo de Importação field, select the type of importation.

  34. Click Save.

    The system saves the transaction and the Generate E-Document button appears at the top.

  35. Click Generate E-Document.

    If the e-document is successfully generated, the Send E-Document button appears at the top.

  36. Click Send E-Document.

    If the e-document is successfully sent, a confirmation message appears at the top of the page.

  37. To view the electronic invoice generated, click the NF-e subtab.

  38. Under Links, click Visualizar NF-e.

    This shows a mirror image of the electronic invoice.

  39. (Optional) To download the NF-e XML file to your computer, click Visualizar XML NF-e.

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