Selecting the Criteria

Selecting the criteria to apply the advanced numbering rule is the last step when setting up the rule, as described in Creating an Advanced Numbering Rule. In the Criteria subtab, select the fields NetSuite will use to determine when to number transactions. For example, a numbering rule can be applied to transactions within a date range, whether the transaction is posting or not, or if the transaction is within a specified posting period.

Tips for Selecting Criteria

You must have at least one criterion. You should use Date as a criterion to limit Advanced Numbering to the following:

  • Transactions that occur after the feature was enabled

  • Transactions that occur after the date you want to start numbering transactions with Advanced Numbering


If a custom field was used in a numbering rule, you cannot change the field settings because any change will break the rule.

Please note that you cannot change the field ID either.

Available Criteria

You can select any combination of the following fields to use as criteria to apply the advanced numbering rule:

  • Subsidiary

  • Posting Period

  • Posting (Y/N)

  • Memo

  • Location

  • Date

  • Currency

  • (Subsidiary) Country

  • The following types of custom fields:

    • Checkbox

    • Currency

    • Date

    • Decimal Number

    • Email Address

    • Free-Form Text

    • Integer

    • List/Record

    • Rich Text

    • Text Area

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