Vendor Subsidiary Relationship

NetSuite exposes the vendor subsidiary relationship record to REST web services. This record enables you to manage a specific vendorSubsidiaryRelationship record. You can also get a list of vendor subsidiary relationship records. This record is not accessible through the user interface.

The REST API Browser includes information about the field names and field types of the vendor subsidiary relationship record. It also includes the HTTP methods, request parameters, and operations available to this record. For details, see the REST API Browser’s vendorSubsidiaryRelationship reference page.

For information about using the REST API Browser, see The REST API Browser.

Record ID

The record ID for the vendor subsidiary relationship REST record is vendorSubsidiaryRelationship.


You must either use NetSuite OneWorld or have the Subsidiaries hidden feature enabled before you can use this record through REST web services.

Updatable Fields on the vendorSubsidiaryRelationship Record

You can update the following fields on the vendorSubsidiaryRelationship record:

  • credit limit (available on the vendor record, Subsidiary subtab)

  • tax item (available on the vendor record, Subsidiary subtab)

  • custom fields (available on the vendor record, Subsidiary subtab)

  • (externalid) - external id

Supported Operations

The following operations are supported for REST web services:

  • GET (Read, Search for a list of vendor subsidiary relationship records)

  • POST (insert a record)

  • DELETE (a specific record)

  • GET (Read, Search a specific record)

  • PATCH (update a specific record)

  • PUT (insert or update a specific record)

Tax-related fields are not supported in REST.

Code Samples

The following code sample shows how to get a specific vendorSubsidiaryRelationship record:

EQUAL 13 AND subsidiary EQUAL 5 


The following code sample shows how to get the ID of a specific vendorSubsidiaryRelationship record:


'prefer: transient'
'Content-Type: application/json'
'{ "q": "SELECT id FROM vendorSubsidiaryRelationship WHERE entity = 13 AND subsidiary = 5"


The following code sample shows how to set the externalId and creditLimit for a specific vendorSubsidiaryRelationship record:

            PATCH '' 

'Content-Type: application/json'
'{ "externalId": "VSR1", "creditLimit": 150


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General Notices