Non-Inventory Sale Item

You can record and track items that you always drop ship as non-inventory items. You can also record and track other items that you sell or purchase but do not stock as non-inventory items.

For more information, see Non-Inventory Items.

This record is not a subrecord.


REST web services do not support legacy tax features. To work with taxation through REST web services, you must have the SuiteTax feature enabled. For more information about using SuiteTax, see SuiteTax.

The REST API Browser includes information about the field names and field types of the non-inventory sale item record, and about the HTTP methods, request parameters, and operations available to this record. For details, see the REST API Browser’s non-inventory sale item reference page.

For information about using the REST API Browser, see The REST API Browser.

Record ID

The record ID for the non-inventory sale item REST record is noninventorySaleItem.


There are no prerequisites for using this record in REST.

Code Samples

The following example shows how to get record metadata for a non-inventory sale item.

Get Record Metadata:

            GET https://<accountID>/services/rest/record/v1/metadata-catalog/nonInventorySaleItem
Header: Accept: application/swagger+json 


Get Record:

            GET https://<accountID>/services/rest/record/v1/nonInventorySaleItem/<ID> 


Update Record:

            PATCH https://<accountID>/services/rest/record/v1/nonInventorySaleItem/<ID>
Header: Content-Type: application/json
      "itemId": "Updated item name",
      "upcCode: "123456"


Update Item Price When Related Features are Enabled:

Header: Content-Type: application/json
   "price": 10


Related Topics

General Notices