Creating a New BOM Record

The following procedure describes how to create a new BOM record.

To create a new BOM record:

  1. Go to Lists > Supply Chain > Bills of Materials > New.

  2. Enter a unique and descriptive BOM Name.

  3. In the Memo field, enter any information you want to include with this BOM.

    For example, include phase labeling.

  4. To apply component yield to all BOM revisions, check the Use Component Yield box.

    For more information, see Component Yield Preferences.

  5. To allow all assemblies to use this BOM, check the Available for All Assemblies box.

    Clear the box to limit BOM use to only the assemblies selected in the Restrict to Assemblies field.


    Selecting an assembly from the Restrict to Assemblies field does not create a link between the BOM and the assembly.

  6. To permit all locations to use this BOM, check the Available for All Locations box.

    Clear this box to limit BOM use to the locations selected in the Restrict to Locations field.

  7. Check the Inactive box if you do not want this BOM to appear in search lists on records and forms.

    Clear this box if you want this BOM to appear in lists.

  8. If you use NetSuite OneWorld, select the Subsidiary this BOM is available for. Subsidiary is inherited by BOM revisions.

    Press and hold CTRL to select multiple subsidiaries.

  9. To make the BOM available for all subsidiaries of the selected parent, check the Include Children box.

    If checked, the read-only Used on Assembly box indicates that the BOM is associated to an assembly.

  10. Click Save.

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