Tracking Production Results

Track production results to capture information about the volume of manufacturing achieved. This information drives NetSuite transactions to adjust inventory levels and their associated cost without operator input other than recording the number of items produced.


Modifying start and end times in the tablet with employees in different time zones causes inconsistent quantity results in the work order completion record. You must be in the same time zone as all employees who modify start and end times.

To track production results:

  1. Go to Advanced Manufacturing > Data Collection > Enter Results/Loss/Downtime/Labor.

  2. Enter a Work Order number.

  3. Enter the Operation No you want to report results for.

  4. To display updated data, check the Refresh Lists After Save/Edit box.

    NetSuite automatically fills the Work Center, Assembly Item, and Operation Name fields.

  5. On the Results subtab, enter the production Run Time (min).

  6. Enter the production End Time.

    Use the 7/11/2020 7:25:04 am format.

  7. Enter the Quantity produced.

    Do not include scrap.

  8. If applicable, enter the Lot/Serial # number.

  9. For lot/serial items, enter an optional Expiration Date.

  10. (Optional) Select an Asset Name from the list.

    This information can provide operational detail for other types of reporting.

    If you do not select an asset, NetSuite uses the asset the work order was scheduled for.

  11. (Optional) Select the name of the Employee who entered the data.

  12. Click Save.

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General Notices