Shipping Centralized Vendor Returns

You can fulfill vendor returns from the Ship Vendor Return Authorization page, or by clicking the Return on the vendor return authorization record. The item fulfilment record is generated based on lines specified in the vendor return authorization record. After you enable Centralized Purchasing and Billing, the Ship Vendor Return Authorization page contains a Target Subsidiary filter. It also splits vendor returns by the Target Subsidiary column, when applicable.

When you initiate a vendor return directly from the vendor return authorization record, the Ship Vendor Return Authorization page is automatically filtered by order number. If a vendor return authorization is to be fulfilled by multiple subsidiaries, note the following. The orders on the Ship Vendor Return Authorization page are divided by target subsidiary.


Line items on the bill credit form contain the following columns:

  • Due to/From Subsidiary – Specifies the target subsidiary of the vendor bill line

  • Target Location – Specifies the target location of the vendor bill line

The columns are hidden by default. If you want these columns to appear on your form, you must create a custom bill credit form.

To ship a centralized vendor return:

  1. Do one of the following

    • Go to Transactions > Purchases > Enter Vendor Return Authorizations.

    • To ship a return directly from the vendor return, click Return from the vendor return you want to mark as shipped. If you choose this option, the Ship Vendor Return Authorizations page automatically filters the Orders list by return number.

  2. You can filter the Orders list in the following ways:

    • To filter by vendor, select a vendor in the Vendor field.

      If the authorized return you want to ship does not appear the list, the return may be pending approval. For more information, see Approving a Vendor Return Authorization.

    • To filter by target subsidiary, select a subsidiary in the Target Subsidiary field.

    • To filter by return number, enter an order number in the Select Return Number field.

  3. In the Return column, check the box next to the return you want ship.

  4. Click Submit.

  5. On the Item Fulfilment form, verify or edit the return information.

  6. Click Save.

    For more information about filling out the Item Fulfilment form, see Shipping Authorized Vendor Returns.

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