Setting up a Case Alert on Support Cases

There are two distinct stages to setting up a new case alert. First, we need to create a case saved search which will be used to monitor the required performance criteria. Once this is done, we create a new case alert and assign the various recipients and select the required email template.

Four Hour Response Time

Wolfe Electronics has recently implemented a four hour response time pledge on all customer support cases. Any cases where the company did not reply to the customer within four hours of the case being created are investigated by the shift supervisor. In the following procedure, we’ll set up a case alert that notifies the shift supervisor and support manager of any cases which breached this commitment.

To create a case saved search:

  1. Go to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New

  2. Select Case as the search type.

  3. Enter a name for the search in the Search Title field ( Four Hour Reply Breaches)

  4. From the Filter list, select Support First Reply.

  5. Select empty from the list.

  6. From the Filter list, select Time Elapsed (hours).

  7. Select greater than from the list.

  8. Insert 4 in the Value field, and click Set.

  9. From the Filter list, select Status.

  10. Select any of and include all statuses except Closed. Click Set.

  11. Click Save.

After the case saved search is created, you can proceed to the Case Alerts page to complete the set up. You can also proceed to this page if you want to use a previously prepared search.

To set up a case alert:

  1. Go to Setup > Support > Case Alerts > New.

  2. Enter a name for the alert.

  3. Optional — provide a brief description of what the alert is for.

  4. Select your previously saved search from the Saved Search list.

  5. Use the Standard Case Alert Template, or select a customized system email template.

    For information on adding system email templates, see Customizing Templates for System-Automated Email

  6. Select the owner of the alert.

    Alerts will be sent to them by default and their name used on the unsubscribe link on the standard case alert template.

  7. Optional: check the Send to Case Assignee. box if you wish the assigned support representative to also receive the alert.

  8. From the Recipient list, select employees or groups you want to receive the alert. Click Add.

  9. Click Save.

Active case alerts are refreshed approximately every five minutes. If a saved search has an existing send schedule, this will be overruled by the case alert.

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