Tracking Landed Cost for Items and Expenses

See the following steps to track landed cost for your items and expenses.

To track landed cost for your items and expenses:

  1. Enable Landed Cost:

    1. Your administrator goes to Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preferences.

    2. Under the Inventory heading, check the Landed Cost box.

    3. Click Save.

  2. Create landed cost categories.

    Landed cost categories identify the expense account that costs are posted to when the category is selected.

    For more information, see Landed Cost Categories and Creating Cost Categories.

  3. Set up inventory item records to track landed cost:

    1. For existing inventory items that have an associated landed cost, on the item record check the Track Landed Cost box.

    2. Enter landed cost information about item receipts and bills that include these items.

    For more information, see Setting up an Item Record for Landed Cost.

  4. Create landed cost item records to track separate costs.

    1. To associate a bill with landed costs, on the Items subtab, select an item.

    2. Some bills, such as a separate freight bill, do not show an inventory item. Therefore, you must create landed cost item records to associate these expenses as landed costs.

    For more information, see Creating a Landed Cost Item.

  5. Enter landed cost on transactions.

    For more information, see Entering Landed Cost on a Transaction and Landed Cost Allocation per Line.

For detailed examples about entering landed costs, see Landed Cost Examples.

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