Optimize Your Custom Fields and Custom Forms

Remove unnecessary fields when customizing forms. For more information, see Configuring Fields or Screens.

Document and use appropriate naming conventions at all times so that any user can identify the correct object to use and maintain consistency across your organization. IDs of custom objects (except for custom segments) can be changed after they have been created using the Change ID button at the top of the page. For more information, see Conventions for Naming Custom Objects and Changing the ID of a Custom Object.

Check the Form is Preferred box when creating a new custom form. Doing this lets you decide which forms your employees use and helps maintain consistency across your company. For more information, see Defining Preferred Forms.

Choose the correct field type when creating Custom Fields and be aware of the differences between them. For example, a free-form text field type can have up to 300 text characters, whereas a text area field can have up to 4000 characters. For more information about various field types, see Field Type Descriptions for Custom Fields.

If you create a nonstored custom field that uses formulas or searches, it causes the database to slow down because many logs are created. To avoid affecting performance, check the Store Value box and use a server-side script. For more information, see Record.setValue(options).

If you work with multiple records and you want to set up ongoing updates, consider using CSV import, mass update, scheduled script or map/reduce script features during off peak hours. For more information, see CSV Imports, SuiteScript 2.x Mass Update Script Type, SuiteScript 2.x Scheduled Script Type and SuiteScript 2.x Map/Reduce Script Type.

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