Configuring Fields or Screens

When the following subtabs are available on the current entry or transaction form, you can configure fields for that form:

These fields can also be moved to display on an alternate subtab or in alternate field groups.


Even if you have disabled a subtab as described in Configuring Subtabs for Custom Entry and Transaction Forms, you can still configure fields for that subtab. This is useful if you later decide to include the subtab on your form.

To configure fields in the Screen Fields, Fields, or Sublist Fields subtab:

  1. In the Show column, check the boxes next to the fields you want to display.


    When configuring fields, be aware of the following:

    • Hiding fields on a form can hide other related fields. For example, hiding Credit Card Approved on the sales order form also hides fields related to Address Verification System (AVS).

    • If you use multiple locations, you must show the Location field on the sales order form you use for your website to calculate shipping correctly.

    • If an advanced template relies on a hidden sublist field, the template can fail to print. For more information, see Using FreeMarker to Work with Hidden Fields Used in Advanced Templates.

    • If you have the Termination Reason Tracking feature enabled, you cannot save an employee record if you hide any of the required termination fields. For more information, see Termination Reason Tracking.

  2. In the Quick Add column (Entry forms only), check the boxes next to the fields you want to define as inline editable and available in Quick Add portlets.

    If a field has both Quick Add and the Enable Field Editing on Lists checked, then that field can be directly edited, and the record is saved when you click off of the field. Inline editable fields are also available when attaching contacts or scheduling activities to records. For more information, see Using Inline Editing.

    You can add Quick Add portlets to your dashboards. Quick Add portlets permit the quick addition of a selected record type without navigating to the record type page. For more information, see Quick Add Portlet.

  3. In the Mandatory column, check the boxes next to the fields that are required on your entry form.


    You cannot clear mandatory boxes for fields that NetSuite requires, or fields defined as mandatory in the custom field definition.

  4. In the Display Type column, select the display type for each field. For more information, see Setting Display Options for Custom Fields.

  5. In the Check Box Default column, choose one of the following options for each check box field on the form:

    • Use Field Default — Use the default value set in the field definition.

    • Checked — Set the default to checked, possibly overriding the default set in the field definition.

    • Unchecked — Set the default to cleared, possibly overriding the default set in the field definition.

  6. In the Label field, edit the name of any of the fields as needed. You can enter up to 200 characters for the label. However, you should consider how the length of a label appears on printed forms.

    • If you change the label of a field on the Sublist Fields subtab, the new label is also applied to the field on the Printing Fields subtab.

    • In accounts where the Multi-Language feature is enabled, the label you edit here applies only to your current language, as set at Home > Set Preferences. For more information, see Configuring Multiple Languages.

  7. In the Field Groups list, select the group where you want the field to appear.


    After you assign a field to a field group, the field can be moved only within the group. If you want to move the field elsewhere on a form, you must change its field group.

  8. In the Column Break column, check any field to insert a column break after that field.

    Be aware that inserting a column break after a field can cause field text to display in a way you may not expect based on the display size attributes set for custom fields. For more information, see Setting Display Options for Custom Fields.

  9. To include a blank line before a field, enter the number of blank lines in the Space Before column.

  10. To associate a field with the field immediately above it, check the Same Row as Previous box. An associated field shares the same Show or Hide setting as the previous field. The field belongs to the same field group as the previous field and is displayed together on the form with the previous field. For more information, see Associating Related Fields on Custom Forms.

  11. Rearrange the fields as needed.

    • To move each field to the preferred subtab, click Move Elements Between Subtabs. For more information, see Moving Fields and Lists Between Subtabs.

    • Rearrange the order of the fields on each subtab. Select and drag each line item to the preferred position or click Move to Top or Move to Bottom.


      Fields that belong to a field group can be moved only within the group. If you want to move the field elsewhere on a form, either change the field group for the field or rearrange the field groups.

      Any fields that are not assigned to a field group are listed together below all other fields that are assigned to field groups. These unassigned fields are always displayed last and can be reordered among all other unassigned fields. If you want to move a field up higher on a subtab, assign it to a field group.

  12. For transaction forms only, set the following options:

    • In the Check Box Default column, set the default value for check box fields. If you set the Check Box Default field to Checked for a transaction form field, the box for that field will automatically be checked. You can clear the box if needed.

    • Click the Sublist Fields and arrange the line-item columns for your transaction entry form by moving fields as needed. The order of the columns on the screen does not have to match the order of the printed columns of your form.

  13. On the Sublist Fields subtab, in the Items Filter field, select a saved search to use to filter the items that appear in the Items list on this form. For more information, see Defining a Saved Search.

  14. On the Total Box subtab, specify which fields to show in the form totals.

    If you use SuiteTax, additional tax fields are available. For more information, see Tax Details on Transactions in SuiteTax.

  15. Click Save.

  16. If required, to create any new custom fields, click New Field.


    Ensure that you save any changes before creating new fields from within the form. When you click New Field, you leave the custom form to go to the custom field page. For more information, see Custom Fields.

  17. For transaction forms only, after you have configured the fields or screens, you should configure the printing fields. For more information, see Configuring Printing Fields.


As you configure your custom form, consider whether the transactions to use on the form require tax data. You cannot specify tax field names through form customization. You muse go to Setup > Accounting > Set Up Taxes. For more details, see Customizing Tax Fields on Transaction Forms.

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