Configuring Buttons and Actions

On the Actions subtab of custom forms, you can configure standard NetSuite buttons and custom buttons. You can use the Standard Actions subtab to customize built-in, standard NetSuite buttons. For more information, see Working with Standard Buttons. Use the Custom Actions subtab to create or modify custom buttons you have associated with client SuiteScripts. For more information, see Working with Custom Buttons.

Also note that you can use point-and-click customization to translate the button labels for both standard and custom buttons.


You can also use SuiteScript to hide and rename buttons. For a list of standard buttons that are supported in SuiteScript, see Button IDs. Additionally, you can use the Remove Button Action action in SuiteFlow to conditionally hide buttons from specific users or when a record is in a certain state.


SuiteScript and point-and-click customization do not support customizing the Save, Edit, Cancel, Back, and Reset buttons.

After you have configured your buttons, you should configure the printing fields. For more information, see Configuring Printing Fields.

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