Adding Disclaimers to Transaction Form Footers

You can add a footer to the bottom of your standard transaction forms. Footers can be used to add text and space for a variety of reasons such as:

To add a disclaimer to standard transaction forms:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Preferences > Printing & Fax.

  2. Click the Printing subtab.

  3. Enter a disclaimer or other message in one or more of the disclaimer fields. Disclaimers can have up to 4000 characters and appear at the bottom of the form indicated.

    • Sales Form Disclaimer – Standard sales forms.

    • Purchase Form Disclaimer – Standard purchase forms.

    • Statement Disclaimer – Standard statements.

    • Payment Receipt Disclaimer – Standard payment receipts.

    • Packing Slip Message – Standard packing slips.

    • Return Policy – Return forms.

    • Remittance Slip Message – Remittance slips.

  4. When you have finished, click Save.

For the disclaimers to appear, you must print your forms using HTML. To set this preference, go to Home > Set Preferences > Transactions tab. Check the Print Using HTML box and click Save.

Disclaimers defined here are not used in printed forms based on advanced PDF/HTML templates. To include disclaimers on this kind of printed form, you can add disclaimer text to the template on which the printed from is based.

You can also add disclaimers to specific forms using transaction form customization. For more information about customizing transaction forms, read Custom Forms.

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