Configuring Subtabs for Custom Entry and Transaction Forms
On the Subtab subtab, you can select which subtabs to display on your form and provide a custom heading for each subtab. For example, you have a OneWorld account and you do not want to let users associate vendors with multiple subsidiaries. You can create a custom vendor entry form and specify that the Subsidiaries subtab not be shown.
To modify the available subtabs:
In the Show column, check the boxes for the subtabs you want to display on the form. Clear the boxes for the subtabs you do not want to display.
Note:On saved search results, you can perform inline edits on a field only if the subtab for the field is set to display on your preferred form. Field editing on lists must also be set on your preferred form. For information about setting up field editing on lists for a form, see Creating Custom Entry and Transaction Forms
If field editing is set up but saved search results will not permit you to edit inline, ensure the subtab for that field is set to display on your preferred form. Alternately, move the field to an alternate subtab that is set to display on the form. For more information, see Moving Fields and Lists Between Subtabs.
In the Label column, edit the headings for the subtabs as needed.
Rearrange the order of subtabs as needed. To rearrange the subtabs, click the required line and then drag it to the preferred position, or click Move to Top or Move to Bottom.
After you have configured the subtabs, you should configure the fields or screens. See Configuring Fields or Screens.
To add a subtab that does not yet exist to a form, you need to first create the subtab at Customization > Forms > >Subtabs. You can also rename custom subtabs there. See Creating Custom Subtabs.
Related Topics
- Creating Custom Entry and Transaction Forms
- Custom Entry Form Properties
- Custom Transaction Forms Properties
- Storing Custom Forms with Transactions
- Moving Fields and Lists Between Subtabs
- Configuring Field Groups
- Configuring Fields or Screens
- Configuring Buttons and Actions
- Configuring Printing Fields
- Configuring Sublists
- Configuring Sublist Fields
- Configuring QuickViews
- Associating Custom Code (Client SuiteScript) Files With Custom Forms
- Defining Preferred Forms
- Adding Disclaimers to Transaction Form Footers
- Specifying Check Layout by Subsidiary
- Customizing Multiple Page Transaction Forms
- Linking Transaction Forms