Customizing Multiple Page Transaction Forms

You can create a custom layout to customize how your multiple-page transaction forms look.

You can add page numbers and header information to subsequent pages of your PDF transaction forms.

Adding Page Numbers to your PDF Transaction Forms

You can add page numbers to pages of your PDF transaction forms.

To customize your multiple page transaction forms to have page numbers:

  1. Go to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms.

  2. Click Customize next to the kind of form you want to change.

  3. Click the Printing Fields subtab.

  4. Click the Header subtab.

  5. Check the box in the Print/Email column next to Page Number.

    Page number appear beginning on the second page of your transaction.

  6. In the Label column you can change the way the numbers appear on your transactions.

    For example, if you wanted the numbers to appear 2/3, you would replace Page {1} of {2} in the label field with {1}/{2}. The entries {1} and {2} act as placeholders for your page number formatting.

  7. Click Save.

Your printed PDF transaction forms now include page numbers for multiple pages.

Adding More Header Information to Multiple Page Transaction Forms

You can add more header information to multiple page transaction forms..

To customize your multiple page transaction forms to have more header information:

  1. Go to Customization > Forms > Transaction Form PDF Layouts (or Transaction Form HTML Layouts).

  2. Click Customize next to the kind of layout you want to change.

  3. On the Border & Placement subtab, check the boxes in the Show on Addl. Pages column for each field you want to appear on subsequent transaction pages.

  4. Click Save.

Your printed PDF transaction forms now include additional header information for multiple pages.

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