Tax Details on Transactions in SuiteTax
When the SuiteTax feature is enabled in your account, transaction forms include a Tax Details subtab and a Summary box that shows the tax summary by tax type. For more information, see Summary Box and Tax Details.
Note that the Tax Details subtab (machine) should not be customized. This could cause errors while calculating taxes.
When you click Save on a transaction, the amounts for the tax summary and tax details are calculated by the appropriate tax engine. The system uses the nexus lookup logic to determine which tax engine to use. For more information, see Understanding How the Nexus is Determined on Transactions in SuiteTax.
A nexus that is marked as tax-exempt does not have an assigned tax engine. If the nexus determined on the transaction is marked as tax-exempt, taxes will not be calculated.
If you want to see the calculated amounts before saving a transaction, click Preview Tax. The calculated amounts sent back by the tax engine are shown on Tax Details subtab and Summary Box. Preview amounts are saved only when you save the transaction record.
For information about when changes on a transaction trigger tax recalculation, see Editing Transactions in SuiteTax.
In SuiteTax, discounts can be applied before or after tax, depending on the tax engine implementation. Before-tax discounts lower the tax basis of the corresponding items to which the discount is applied. After-tax discounts do not lower the tax basis, but they lower the total amount.
Summary Box
The Summary box includes the following tax information:
Subtotal – Shows the net amount of items on the transaction.
Tax Total – Shows the sum of all tax types.
Total tax by tax type – Shows the total tax amount for each tax type used on the transaction.
Total – Shows the subtotal plus all tax types including Post to Item Cost but excluding other special tax types, minus withholding tax types.
Total After Taxes – Shows the subtotal plus all tax types including Post to Item Cost but excluding other special tax types.
Amount Due – Shows the total minus payments. This field is available only on invoices.
By default, the Subtotal, Tax Total, and Total fields are shown whereas the Total After Taxes field is hidden on standard transaction forms. On invoices, the Amount Due field is also shown by default. If you are using tax types with the Does Not Add To Transaction Total property on your transactions, you should customize your transaction forms to show the Total After Taxes field to see the impact of such tax types on transactions. When customizing transaction forms, you can configure which fields to show on the transaction summary box by going to the Total Box subtab under the Screen Fields subtab.
For information about customizing transaction forms, see Creating Custom Entry and Transaction Forms.
For information about tax types, see Creating Tax Types in SuiteTax.
Examples of Summary box on transactions:
The following screenshot shows the Summary box of an invoice, which is customized to show the Total After Taxes field. This transaction includes a tax type with the Does Not Add to Transaction Total property (UK WHT TYPE), so the Total and Total After Taxes fields have different values.
The following screenshot shows the Summary box of a sales order. On this custom transaction form, the label for the Tax Total field is changed to Tax and the Total field is hidden.
Tax Details
The Tax Details subtab includes the following tax information for each item line:
Tax Details Reference – Links the tax line to its corresponding line item
Tax Type
Tax Code
Tax Basis
Tax Rate
Tax Amount
Details – Shows the information returned by the tax engine used to calculate the tax
When you click Preview Tax or save the transaction, NetSuite determines the appropriate nexus for the transaction and calls the tax engine associated with the nexus to calculate the taxes. The tax details are then sent back to NetSuite by the tax engine and shown on the Tax Details subtab of the transaction record.
You can override the tax information on the Tax Details subtab, if you have at least the Edit level of the Tax Details Tab permission. For information about SuiteTax permissions, see Roles and Permissions in SuiteTax.
To override the tax details, check the Tax Details Override box. When this box is checked, you can do the following changes to the tax information on the Tax Details subtab:
If there is no saved or preview tax information on the Tax Details subtab, you also need to check the Nexus Override box and select a nexus first before you can manually enter the tax details.
Modify the values in the Tax Type, Tax Code, Tax Basis, Tax Rate, and Tax Amount columns for existing tax lines. All tax information fields are mandatory.
Add new tax lines by selecting the Tax Details Reference for the item that you are adding the tax line for. The Line Type, Name, and Net Amount are automatically filled in when you select a Tax Details Reference for a new tax line. The Gross Amount is calculated after you enter the value for Tax Amount.
Delete tax lines by clicking the X icon for the tax line.
Preview tax calculation is not available if the Tax Details Override box is checked. Calculated tax amounts will be deleted if you clear the Tax Details Override box.
Also, if the Tax Details Override box is checked on the transaction, you need to have at least the Edit level of the Tax Details Tab permission to edit the transaction.
For information about when changes on a transaction trigger tax recalculation, see Editing Transactions in SuiteTax.