Create the Approval Status Custom Field

Before you build the workflow, create a custom field to store the approval status using the following procedure.

To create the approval status custom field:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records & Fields > Transaction Body Fields > New

  2. Fill in the fields with the values presented in the following table.




    Approval Status




    Approval Status

  3. Check the Store Value box.

  4. In the Applies to subtab, check the Sale and Opportunity boxes.

  5. Click the New button next to the List/Record field.

  6. In the Name field of the Custom Lists page, enter Approval Statuses.

  7. On the Values tab, enter each of the following values in the Value column and click Add:

    • Pending Approval

    • Approved

    • Rejected

  8. Click Save to save the list.

  9. Click Save.

After you create the approval status custom field for the order quote approval workflow, proceed to Create the Order Quote Approval Workflow States, Actions, and Transitions.

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