Create the Order Quote Approval Workflow States, Actions, and Transitions

To complete the order quote approval workflow, use the Workflow Manager to define states, actions, and transitions. To learn more, see Workflow Manager Interface.

In the Workflow Manager workspace, use the following procedure to create states for the order quote approval workflow.

To create workflow states:

  1. Go to Customization> Workflow> Workflows and click Edit besides the order quote approval workflow.

  2. In the Workflow Manager workspace, double click on State 1 to edit it, and rename it to Estimate Creation.

  3. Click on the New State button to create three new states, naming them Pending Approval, Approved, and Rejected.

  4. Configure the states in the process flow as shown in the following screenshot.

    Workflow States

After you create the states, configure each state using the links in the following table.




Estimate Creation State

  • Set Field Value: Set the Approval Status field to Pending Approval

Transitions to the following states:

  • Pending Approval if the estimate shows a default sales rep and that sales rep has a supervisor on their employee record.

  • Approved if the estimate shows a default sales rep and that sales rep has no supervisor on their employee record.

Pending Approval State

  • Add Button: Add an Approve button

  • Add Button: Add a Reject button

Transitions to the following states:

  • Approved if the supervisor clicks the Approved button.

  • Rejected if the supervisor clicks the Reject button.

Approved State

  • Set Field Value: Set the Approval Status field to Approved

  • Send Email: Send email to the sales rep

Rejected State

  • Set Field Value: Set the Approval Status field to Reject

  • Send Email: Send email to the sales rep

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