Tax Code Lookup for Sales


The Multiple Shipping Routes feature for SuiteTax and the Enable Item Line Shipping functionality are not yet supported for VAT. The tax code lookup for sales is not considering the line level shipping address.



If the item is goods, you can proceed to the next part of the diagram about the tax lookup for goods.


If the item is not goods, but services, you can proceed to the part of the diagram about the tax lookup for services.


If the buyer is not registered for VAT, click button 3 and jump to the diagram explaining the One Stop Shop (OSS) tax lookup logic.


A customer is considered to be registered for VAT if the 'Customer Tax Reg. Number' field under the Tax Details subtab is not empty. The Tax Details subtab appears on all taxable transactions. The values in the 'Customer Tax Reg. Number' list are sourced from the customer record.



This is the part of the diagram explaining the tax lookup logic for goods.



This is the part of the diagram explaining the tax lookup logic for services.

General Notices