NetSuite Synchronization Overview

For synchronization, Planning and Budgeting metadata refers to dimension members. Dimensions define the criteria by which to analyze data values and are preconfigured. Dimension members are the components by which to measure the dimension data. Metadata synchronization ensures that changed or newly created dimension members in NetSuite are also reflected in planning and budgeting.

For synchronization, data refers to the actual NetSuite periodical balances or movements. Data synchronization ensures that general ledger activity in NetSuite is reflected in Planning and Budgeting. NetSuite data and metadata are passed to planning and budgeting through saved searches when the data refreshes. Only the data included in the saved searches synchronizes with Planning and Budgeting.

Metadata and data are synchronized by executing data load jobs. Although they are executed in the same way, metadata and data are configured differently within Data Management. Data synchronization is configured through data load rules. Metadata synchronization is configured through batches.

When you execute a job, the data sync proceeds with three steps that run in the background: import, validate, and export. The data or metadata are important to the Data Load Workbench in Data Management and validated first before being exported into Planning and Budgeting.

In addition to data load rules and batches, you can create data load jobs to:


Data load jobs should already be configured on your system. You should change data load jobs only after careful consideration and consultation. Changing data load jobs, data load rules, or batches could cause the synchronization to fail. Seek advice before reconfiguring data load jobs, data load rules, or batches.

General Notices