Activating the Allow Over-picking for Work Orders System Rule

To pick more than the quantity in the WMS app, you must first complete Creating a WIP Bin for Manufacturing Mobile.

To enable over-picking through a mobile device, you must activate the Allow over-picking for work orders system rule.

This system rule supports the following work orders:

For more information about WMS system rules, see Activating System Rules.

To activate the allow over-picking for work orders system rule:

  1. Using the WMS Warehouse Manager role, go to WMS Configuration > Configure Warehouse > System Rules.

    The System Rules List appears on the page.

  2. Beside Allow over-picking for work orders, click Edit.

    By default, the Rule Value is set to N. The default setting does not allow over-picking for work orders.

  3. (Optional) To create a location–specific rule, in the Location field, select a warehouse location.

  4. To activate the rule and allow over-picking for work orders, in the Rule Value field, select Y.

  5. To enable excess quantity when you pick components for a work order, in the Process Type field, select Manufacturing Mobile app.

  6. Click Save.

Next, complete Creating a Static Employee Group.

Related Topics

Set Up the Manufacturing Mobile SuiteApp
Default Work Order Location and Work Center
Removing Manufacturing Mobile Imported Process Roles
Accessing the Mobile Device Login Page URL
Mobile Device Requirements and Customizations
Manufacturing Mobile for Administrators

General Notices