Inbound Shipment

An inbound shipment record exposes an inbound shipment to REST web services. This record is not a subrecord. If the Inventory Detail feature is enabled, this record has one subrecord: inventorydetail.

For help working with this record in the UI, see Inbound Shipment Management.

The REST API Browser includes information about the field names and field types of the inbound shipment record, and about the HTTP methods, request parameters, and operations available to this record. For details, see the REST API Browser’s inboundShipment reference page.

For information about using the REST API Browser, see The REST API Browser.

Record IDs

The record ID for an inbound shipment REST record is inboundshipment.

The record ID for an inventory detail REST subrecord is inventorydetail.

Code Samples

The following samples show common use cases for inbound shipments. The example ID is 4.

Creating an Inbound Shipment From a Purchase Order

This sample shows how to create an inbound shipment from a purchase order. The shipmentitem field value should be the lineuniquekey attribute of the purchase order and not the internal id of the item.

{ "shipmentstatus": "inTransit", "shipmentmemo": "Test Memo1", "items": { "items": [ { "purchaseorder": 2172, "shipmentitem": "4827", "quantityexpected": 1 }, { "purchaseorder": 2172, "shipmentitem": "4828", "quantityexpected": 1 } ] }


Retrieving an Inbound Shipment Using a GET Request



Updating an Inbound Shipment Using a PATCH Request

This sample shows how to update an inbound shipment to add a line.

{ "items": { "items": [ { "purchaseorder": 2172, "shipmentitem": "4829", "quantityexpected": 1 } ] }


Deleting an Inbound Shipment Using a DELETE Request



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