Releasing Work Orders

To create a finite capacity schedule, work orders must be released in sequence after they are created. You can release just one work order or many work orders at the same time.

After release the work order status changes and the operation start and end dates are reset to reflect the finite capacity schedule.

To release work orders:

  1. Go to Advanced Manufacturing > Finite Scheduling > Release Work Orders.

  2. Complete the Display Filters section.

    1. Select the work order Location.

      A work order is created for a specific manufacturing location. The planner sets this filter to establish the scheduled location.

    2. Optionally, select a Production Class to filter displayed work orders.

    3. Click the calendar icon to select a Horizon Start date.

      Horizon start date must be a Monday.


      To reduce processing time, keep horizon periods as short as possible. Generally less than one week.

    4. Click the calendar icon to select a Horizon End date.

    5. Select how to display Planned Orders:

      The planner can capture work orders that have not been scheduled, or to prioritize work orders associated with a future period.

      • Display All – Include all work orders in a planned or planned firm state regardless of horizon date.

      • Use Date Filter – Include all work orders in a planned status with an initial start date between the horizon start and end dates.

      • Display OK to Schedule Only – Include only work orders marked OK to Release.

        Do not select this option If your administrator has not enabled the AM Work Order Schedule Check script.

    6. Select a Released Orders option:

      The planner can review existing commitments to capacity and re-schedule them when necessary.

      • Use Date Filter – Include all work orders in released state with a start date between the horizon start and end dates.

        Use to reschedule released work orders.

      • Do Not Display – Do not list work orders that have been released.

    7. Select a Sort By filter.

    8. To perform a secondary sort, select a Then By filter.

    9. If a single work order needs to be reviewed or released, enter it in the Specific Work Order field.


      If this step is used, it is generally completed first.

  3. Complete the Work Orders to Release section.

    1. Click the calendar icon to select a Schedule Date.

    2. Select Forward or Backward Schedule from the Schedule Method list.

    3. Select a Child Work Orders option:

      A child work order is created for a sub-assembly.

      • Release Child Orders:

        • Planned – The status changes to release and the child work order is scheduled.

        • Released – The work order status is rescheduled but the status stays the same.

      • Do Not Release Child Work Orders – The child work order is ignored. The status and planned dates stay the same.

      For more information, see Special Order Items.

    4. Click List Work Orders.

      The Select Work Orders to Release subtab displays the work orders and their status:

      • Planned or Planned Firm

      • Released (status and work load released)

      • In Process

      • Completed, Closed, or On Hold

      1. To determine work order release sequence:

        • Check the WO Release boxes in the order you want them released.

          The Sequence field is automatically populated to match the order of your selection.

        • Optionally, edit the sequence number in the Sequence field.

      2. Click Sort Demand.

    5. To preview the schedule before the work orders are released, click Preview Schedule.

      After you have previewed the schedule, click Go Back.

    6. Click Release Work Orders.

      A notice alerts the planner that the work orders have been submitted for scheduling.

      After acknowledging the message, the planner can continue releasing work orders.

For steps to review and edit work orders, see Reviewing and Editing Work Orders.

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